39) Charms and Letters

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"Oi! Get back here!" Fred shouted, chasing a young boy around a shop who was attempting to steal a Skiving Snack box from the shelves. "If you keep running the Pygmy puffs will attack you!" Fred attempted. 

The little boy stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes widened in nervousness as he looked around for any pygmy puffs that may be following him. Fred finally caught up with him and bent down to his level "Now now, it's not nice to steal" Fred spoke, gently taking the snack box from his hand. Walter pouted "But my aunt won't let me buy them! She keeps saying that mummy told her not to let me buy anything from here" his lip started to quiver, fat tears forming in his eyes.

"What's your name?" asked Fred. "Walter"

Fred frowned, he hated denying little children happiness. "Where is your aunt anyway?" he asked, looking around at the empty shop. George was in London, visiting Oliver and the only other person in the shop besides him was his colleague, Verity.

"Madam Malkin's, I snuck away so I could come here. But Mr. Weasley...will the pygmy puffs really attack me?" the boy asked anxiously. Fred shook his head with a small, "You're a good boy, Walter, they won't attack you if you promise not to steal ever again"

Walter's eyes flitted over the snack box in Fred's hand and he felt bad once more for the little kid who was being denied of a simple product from the joke shop, "I'll tell you what, I've got some interesting things up in my flat that you can take back home with you" Fred offered.

Walter's eyes widened in excitement and he immediately nodded, Fred grabbed the little boy's hand and led him upstairs to his flat. When Walter saw the shelf near the kitchen that contained all sorts of junk from Fred and George's house, he immediately ran towards it, gazing in wonderment at the little trinkets, the original product models, the glossy figurines and whatnot.

"Knock yourself out" Fred grinned at the little boy, thinking back to when he was a kid. Even the smallest things used to excite him. Walter let his small hands pick up a few figurines, inspecting them with boyish judgement.

"Mr. Weasley? This is a very pretty necklace, can I take it back for my aunt?" Walter asked, holding a chain in his hand. Fred looked down at his palm to see the chain with the grapefruit charm on it. Fred gently took the chain from him, frowning at it, "I...uh- I don't know how this got here" Fred mumbled.

For the past two months, the grapefruit chain had been the biggest mystery in his life. He had no idea how it turned up, all he knew was the first time he remembered wearing it was on Christmas night, the same night when everyone had suffered from an unfortunate case of food poisoning. But as mysterious as the charm seemed, something about it drew Fred inwards, making him feel as if there was something more to it than just a chain.

"Maybe not this one" Fred said, clasping the chain around his own neck, "You can take this for her though" Fred picked up a small, floral brooch from the corner and handed it to him. Walter took it, stuffing it into the pocket of his trousers.

"Is that all, don't you want anything for yourself?" Fred asked. "No, I just want to give this to my aunt, I like seeing her happy" Walter grinned innocently. Fred nodded, taking his tiny hand and leading him back downstairs. He watched as Walter bade him goodbye, pushed the doors to the shop open and disappeared into the crowded streets.

Business was slow today so Fred simply sat behind the counter, feet propped up as he pictured what Walter's aunt's reaction would be like when she saw the brooch. Would she be happy? Excited? Or would she be upset that Walter willingly walked into a stranger's home without her permission?

Hours went by and the cornflower sky began to melt into a flurry of pinks and oranges, signalling the end to another day. After bidding Verity goodbye, Fred shut down the shop, assuming that George would be spending the night at Oliver's. He made his way upstairs, taking a lazy shower and changing into his nightclothes.

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now