18) Mirror

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Fred's eyes fluttered open the next morning to be met with Adrienne's peaceful, resting face, her skin illuminated with a soft golden glow by the sunlight pouring in through the windows. He watched her with a smile, she looked like an angel, quite contrary to what she was like last night.

Fred slipped out of bed, being careful not to wake her up in the process. When he stood up, he felt a dull pain in his backside and had to hold on to a wall to support himself.

"Crap" he muttered, somehow managing to waddle towards the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Adrienne was awoken by the sound of water running, her eyes adjusting to the light as she felt around for Fred. Realising that he was in the bathroom, she got off from bed, put on his t-shirt and made her way to him, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed.

Fred saw her standing there in the mirror and he smiled as Adrienne made her way to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Morning" she kissed the back of his shoulder before pulling away so that she could brush her teeth.

"How are you? Y'know..after last night" she smirked, not looking at him.

"Um...sore, though I think it's alright now, the pain only lasted for a few minutes" he said, causing Adrienne to giggle. The both of them fell into a reverie as they replayed last night's events in their heads, shivering slightly at the thought of it. God how good it had felt.

"Payback for making me sore all the time" she chuckled as Fred jumped up to sit on the counter, watching her as she washed her face.

"What can I say Addie? You gave it to me really good last night" he winked.

Adrienne finished brushing, wiped her mouth with a towel and then made her way to stand between his legs, her hands resting on his bare shoulders. Fred's eyes flickered down her torso,

"Are you wearing my t-shirt?" 

Adrienne smiled up at him.

"Mhm, what about it?"

Fred groaned, running his hands down her sides before slipping them underneath the t-shirt she was wearing. His hands travelled up her bare skin before cupping her breasts underneath, his thumbs flicking over her nipples.

"You trying to tease me baby? You know how much I love it when you wear my clothes" he mumbled, leaning over to kiss her neck, his hands roughly massaging her breasts.

"I don't know what you're on about Freddie, I just needed something to wear" she moaned, leaning forward into his touch.

"That's because you don't get to see what I see, how fucking beautiful you look in my clothes"

Adrienne blushed, her nipples hardening as he pinched them between two of his fingers.

"You know what? I think I should show you" Fred jumped down from the slab and stood behind Adrienne, bringing her towards the left so that she was directly facing the large mirror above the sink.

"What do you want me to see?" she asked as his hands cupped her breasts underneath her t-shirt again. She could see the outlines of his knuckles and his fingers, massaging her breasts underneath.

Fred leaned forward to bring his lips close to her ear.

"I want you to watch yourself while I fuck you from behind. And the t-shirt stays on" he whispered. Adrienne let out a gasp as he pushed her down on to the slab. He pulled the t-shirt up to her waist to expose her bare ass.

"Not wearing any underwear Ellis? Such a fucking needy slut aren't you?" he growled, landing a light smack on her skin, causing Adrienne to moan.

"Do you know what happens to sluts Adrienne?"

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now