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I lay inside the cool sleeping bag, anticipating what was to come, or rather, who was to come. 

In a few minutes, she was shimmying her body into the bag and in another few seconds, her body was lightly pressed up against my own. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and my palms beginning to sweat. Why was I feeling this way? I hated her guts, but here she was, smelling so sweetly of lavender and honey that I could do nothing else but breathe in, and breathe out. 

The sky was sprayed with a million stars, and the pines towered above us, engulfing us in their long boughs. Hermione, George, Ron and Harry were fast asleep in the other sleeping bags, and by the looks of it, Adrienne was about to fall asleep too. I was surprised she had even agreed to share a sleeping bag with me, I knew how much she hated me, but then I realised, she was too drunk to even care. And at this point, so was I. The game of truth or dare had really gotten to our heads.

My chest lightly collided against her back every time I breathed, it was an oddly comforting feeling. "Night Adrienne" I whispered from behind her, strands of her hair tickling my lips.

"G'night Fred" with that, her eyes shut and she fell into a deep sleep, leaving me giddy and awake under the stars.


'It's been just a bit more than a year since we first came to this lodge' Fred thought to himself as the memory of the camping trip replayed in his head over and over again. It was strange to suddenly remember everything, but in some ways, he was glad he did. 

In fact, many of the memories that included Adrienne brought a pink blush to his cheeks due to the pure...vividness of it and he was slowly beginning to see why he fell in love with her in the first place. And, he was beginning to see why he could never fall out of love with her. 

But Fred being Fred brought himself down to earth, remembering that he couldn't forgive her for the awful charm that she had casted on him and his family. He wondered why she had done it, but didn't ask her for an explanation, instead choosing to stay mad at her.


Truth be told, Adrienne was starting to get a little bored, especially since Fred refused to even look at her. By now she was convinced that he was overreacting, but she also had a small feeling that he was enjoying being mad at her, it distracted him from the harsh reality, which was: His memory was now completely back but he felt as if he was off the tracks. It would take a few more days for him to recover from the charm.

When she went to the kitchen the next morning, she noticed an array of dirty dishes piled up in the sink. Fred had managed to make breakfast for himself after all but had left all the dishes unattended. When Fred walked out of his bedroom, biting into an apple, she glared at him with her arms crossed.

He stopped mid-step, half chewed apple in mouth and his eyes widened questioningly "What is it now?" he asked.

"You haven't washed the dishes" she said, jutting her chin out at the sink.

"I'll wash them later" Fred shrugged, chewing the piece of apple in his mouth before taking another bite.

"No you won't be washing them later because I need to cook my breakfast too" Adrienne narrowed her eyes at him.

"Don't be such a big baby, I'll wash the dishes once I'm done eating" Fred raised his hands up in protest.

"I'm being the baby? You're the irresponsible one leaving all this shit for me to clean up! Hurry up so I can use the pans to make my breakfast" she raised her voice, hoping it would get him to listen. She could feel anger slowly seeping into her when she saw him smirk as he sat on the couch, lazily sprawling on it and taking his own sweet time to eat his apple.

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now