3) Markers

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Adrienne woke up very early the next morning, everyone else was still fast asleep. She decided that she would make use of the quiet to take a relaxing shower, she hadn't slept well last night. She made her way to her bedroom and was surprised to see that the door was slightly ajar.

She pushed it open completely, her eyes almost popping out of her sockets when she saw that someone was asleep on her bed. When she moved a little closer, she realised it was Fred. Anger began to bubble inside of her, she had half a mind to grab a pillow and smack him on the head with it but she remembered that she had a duty to be civil to her guests, so she settled for a less impudent method to wake him up.

Although now that she came to think of it, maybe smacking him on the head would've been nicer than what she was about to do.

"Eh, he deserves it" she muttered to herself.

Adrienne pulled out her wand from her pocket and pointed it at the blanket that Fred had himself covered with it. For a moment, she was taken aback by how innocent he looked in his sleep, his hair sticking out in all directions, eyes closed, his arms wrapped around a pillow. But it took her almost no time for anger to come seeping into her mind again, and she muttered a charm.

A soft red light emitted from her wand and floated towards the blanket. She pulled the wand away, smirking to herself as she made her way to her closet to pull out a fresh set of clothes. Her smirk widened even more when from behind her, she heard Fred started moaning in his sleep, kicking the blankets off of him. His eyes suddenly opened wide and he shot up, his breathing heavy.

"Bad dream?" Adrienne chuckled. Fred looked at her, his eyes still wide.

"What the hell was that?" Fred said, rubbing his eyes.

"It's what you get for sleeping on my bed"

"A nightmare hex? You could've just woken me up"

"I know but where's the fun in that?" she said, turning around to face him.

"Some things never change" Fred shook his head, sitting up against the headboard and raising his arms to rest his hands behind his head. Adrienne's gaze lingered on his bare, toned torso for a few seconds before she looked back up at him, narrowing her eyes.

"What were you doing sleeping on my bed?"

"George wouldn't stop snoring his arse off last night" Fred said.

"You could've just slept on the couch" Adrienne shrugged.

"Yea well your bed is much more comfortable" Fred patted the mattress with his hand.

"Just leave, please" Adrienne sighed, she really did not want to start the day with a fight, especially one with Fred Weasley.

"Oh c'mon! Let me sleep here for a bit more" Fred frowned, he still looked pretty sleepy, it was five-thirty in the morning after all.

Adrienne felt herself getting irritated again. She had to admit, she didn't want to shoo him away for two reasons, one was that she actually felt herself feeling bad for waking him up, and the second was that he looked absolutely delicious without a t-shirt. Of course, she pushed the second thought away with a scoff.

"Fine, you can sleep here"

"Excellent" Fred grinned, laying back on to the bed and pulling the covers over himself.

"On one condition" said Adrienne.

"And what would that be?"

"Apologise for all your pranks at Hogwarts, for all the terrible stuff that you did to me"

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now