11) Tease

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A/N: Credit to roonilwazlibimagines on tumblr (I asked for permission) for the smut idea for this chapter :)

The next week was blissful. Firstly, Adrienne and the rest of the group had an amazing time together, watching movies, playing board games, talking and going for dinners at Oxwell Village. Adrienne, for the first time in her life felt as if she was at home.

Another thing that made the week even better was Fred. The two of them were at it any chance they got.

Once in the middle of the night in Adrienne's bedroom when everyone was asleep and Fred, who wanted to have a bit more fun decided against the muffliato charm, covering her mouth with his hand instead. Once early in the morning on the living room sofa when they had both somehow woke up earlier than the rest and then once in the bathroom, though that had been interrupted when Ron started knocking on the door because all the other bathrooms were occupied.

But now, it had been four days since they had had a chance to have sex and it was really getting to the both of them. Adrienne wanted nothing more than to feel Fred inside of her, his hips moving fast, slow, she didn't care. She wanted to touch him and kiss him. When the tension seemed to be getting too much, she tried relieving it using her own fingers but Fred had spoiled her too much and it just wasn't the same.

Fred wanted her screaming under him, he wanted to fuck her senseless but that seemed near impossible as everyone always hung around the house and stayed up till late hours in the night. It would seem suspicious if her and Fred just disappeared out of nowhere.

The only things they both lived on now were suggestive glances, stolen kisses and Fred's occasional slap on her ass.

"I need to go shopping today for a couple of new sweaters, anyone wants to come?" Ginny asked.

"I have to meet Olivia today anyway so I'll come with" George said.

"I'm going to stay behind" Harry yawned. Ron and Hermione decided to stay back with Harry too.

"I'll come too, don't have anything else to do" Adrienne shrugged. She went to the room she shared with the girls (Ginny and Hermione had insisted she sleep in their room) to grab her shoes. From the corner of her eye, she saw a baby pink bag peeking out from the closet.

She went over to it and pulled it out to see 'l'aphrodisiaque' written on it in cursive. Suddenly, she had a bright idea. She quickly put on her shoes and walked over to Fred who was sitting on the couch, pouring over some joke shop paperwork.

She quickly whispered something in his ear while no one was looking and his eyes widened, his lips curling into a smile.

"I like how you think" he said quietly, getting up from the couch to put his own shoes and jacket on. Then, Ginny, Fred, Adrienne and George apparated to Oxwell village.

"Well I'm off to Remanora's, see you guys later" said George, walking off in one direction.

"I'm going to go to Madam Fiona's, they've got amazing sweaters" Ginny said, "Are you guys coming?"

"Um no, I think Fred and I'll just go get some ice cream" Adrienne smiled. Ginny nodded before heading off to the boutique, leaving Fred and Adrienne standing in the middle of the street.

"So, Addie, what exactly do you have in mind that you want to buy from there?" Fred asked as the two made their way to 'l'aphrodisiaque', a store tucked so neatly away in a corner that if you blinked, you'd miss it.

"You'll see" she grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the shop.

"Hello how can I- ADRIENNE?"

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