21) Uneasy

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Warnings: Indirect mentions of non-consensual touching, drugging by love potion, can get a little sensitive so skip if you're uncomfortable and dm me if you want me to fill you in with any important plot lines that have occurred in this chapter. For those of you asking, there is no rape, nor is there any description of it.

Adrienne didn't bother undressing, flopping on to the bed and staring at the ceiling for at least an hour. She felt uneasy, uncomfortable. Beads of sweat rolled down her temples, her hands twitched as if they were aching to touch someone. Him.

She couldn't get him out of her mind, his smooth, dark skin, his defined jaw, his dark eyes. Had he always been so attractive?

Soon, it was like her body was doing things without her mind even allowing it to. Twitching uncontrollably, shaking. And the only way to stop that was to go to him and show him everything that had been on her mind. She was desperate, desperate for his touch.

'No' a small voice in her head said.

She couldn't stay still any longer, making her way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. The glass shook in her hand as she brought it to her lips, but the moment the cool water touched her skin, it was as if everything was on fire. Every inch of her body felt more sensitive than it ever had before, as if an aphrodisiac had laced its way into her, igniting all her nerve endings.

The glass slipped from her hand and she stared at the shattered bits on the floor.

'I'll see you soon Adrienne' his mellow, seductive voice sounded in her head, holding her captive.

She could take it no longer.


"Think! Where could she go?" Ginny said, pacing the room, her head in her hands.

"What if she went back home?" Ron suggested.

"To her husband? How do we know for sure?" Hermione asked.

"We could call their house, using the telephone"

"Ronald don't be an idiot, we can't just call up her husband and ask him, he's going to be suspicious" Ginny said.

"Where the hell is that two way vision of yours when we need it?" George smacked Harry on the back of his head.

"Didn't you learn Legillimency Harry? Get into her head" said Ron.

"No that was Malfoy, I learnt Occlumency" Harry sighed, trying to think of something else that could help.

Fred's heart was beating wildly in his chest, Adrienne had been acting weird the whole night. He hoped and prayed that she had just gone for a walk, but that was very uncharacteristic of her. Suddenly, an idea crossed his head.

"Olivia. We should ask her, maybe Adrienne's at Remanora's" Fred muttered, "Harry and I are going to go to Remanora's, the rest of you wait here in case she comes back" said Fred.

Everyone nodded in agreement as Fred and Harry disapparated to Remanora's, leaving Ron, Ginny, George and Hermione in the cabin.

"I still think we could call her husband, we don't have to tell him Adrienne's missing" said Ron.

"Then what do we tell him?" Hermione asked.

"Maybe pretend to be someone else, ask him if you can speak to Adrienne and see what he says. If he asks you any questions just pretend you're drunk or that you've dialled up the wrong number" said Ron.

"I don't think me or Ron should do it, I'm sure he wouldn't like two drunk men being anywhere near Adrienne" said George.

"I'll do it" said Ginny, confidently walking up to the telephone table and dialling up the number which she got from the telephone book.

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