10) Morning

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The next morning, Adrienne's eyes fluttered open to meet with Fred's closed ones, he was still fast asleep. She smiled to herself as the sun lightly shone down on him, giving his skin a soft, golden glow. She shifted slightly because her leg was cramped up, causing Fred to wake up too.

"Morning Freddie" she murmured, running her hands through his hair.

"Morning Addie" he smiled, burying his face in her chest and letting out a deep sigh. She pulled him close, holding him against her until she realised that anyone could walk in on them. She glanced at the clock to see that it was 10 AM, they had slept pretty late last night.

"We've got to wake up, everyone else is probably up already"

He looked up at her and frowned playfully,

"Wake up? I'd rather just stay here and..." he trailed off, pressing kisses on her neck. Adrienne melted in his touch, running her hand up and down his arm before resting it on his chest.

"If you start now we're never going to get out of bed" Adrienne moaned, lightly pushing him away. He rolled over to his back, covering his eyes with his arms to block the sunlight that was falling directly on his face.

Adrienne got up from the bed, hastily grabbing a sheet to cover herself up.

"Stop it" he said, grabbing one end of the sheet, "You can't just hide something that beautiful" he pulled on the end of the sheet, removing it from her body.

Adrienne tried to cover herself with her arms but Fred moved to the edge of the bed, and stood up on it so that he was even taller than he already was.

She noticed that somewhere in the middle of the night, he had pulled his boxers back on. 

"I mean it, you're beautiful" he said, looking down at her, holding her face in his hands and leaning down to kiss her forehead. Adrienne blushed a deep crimson,

"And why did you need to stand up on the bed to tell me that?" she chuckled.

"Because the floor gets cold in the morning and I'm not wearing any socks" he said, falling back on to the bed.

Adrienne laughed, uncovering herself by dropping her arms to her side. Fred looked at her, his eyes flickering over her body, she could practically read what was going on in his mind.

"Oi Weasley, eyes up here" she smirked, pointing at her face. Then, she made a show of walking over to her closet, swaying her hips.

"God Addie you're going to be the death of me" he muttered under his breath. He could feel himself becoming hard again but he knew they wouldn't be able to do anything now because everyone else would be waking up soon.

She smiled at him sweetly before heading off to the shower, feeling giddy inside.


When the both of them had taken turns in the shower (after she had glared at Fred when he had tried to get in the shower with her), they got dressed and headed out to see that no one was around.

"Where the hell is everyone?" Fred asked, checking in the bedrooms one more time.

Adrienne pushed the door to the cabin open to see all six of them lying on the grass, still half asleep.

"They're out here Fred!" she called, stepping outside to see them all packed together like sardines. Ginny was almost on top of Olivia while Hermione lay cuddled next to Ron. George had his arm swung lazily around Harry.

"What on earth..." Fred said in disbelief, watching them all snoring lightly. Adrienne suddenly had an idea and whispered it to Fred whose face took on an expression of mischief. He quickly summoned a couple of buckets using his wand.

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now