31) Masked

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Adrienne looked at herself in the mirror, the lace bodice of the long black dress hugged her torso and flowed down to her feet from her waist. It had a plunging neckline and was almost backless save for a couple of strings crossed on her back. She absolutely loved the dress, it made her feel confident. After swiping on some deep, red lipstick, she spun around to see Noah standing there, his arms were crossed over his chest and his jaw was clenched. "You're not wearing that" he said, looking her up and down.

"Why not?" she asked, grabbing her purse from the dresser.

"It's a revealing dress, I won't have my wife dressed as a slut in front of so many people that we know. I've got to meet important Ministry people at the ball, what do you think they'll say when they see you?" he said, his voice raising by a few decibels.

"They'll think that I'm a young, confident woman who knows how to carry herself in whatever the hell she chooses to wear, thank you very much" she spat.

"Shut up Adrienne, you know what you're doing and it's only to spite me. Change before I make you"

"I'm not going to change Noah, and if you make me, I'm not coming. What will the Ministry workers say when they see you've turned up without your wife because she refused to go with you?" she quoted him.

"You're going to pay for this, can't believe I've got a hoe for a wife" he grumbled.

Noah's words hurt her, they really did, but she bit back her anger. She grabbed the mask and the velvet boa scarf from the table, taking large steps towards him, her heels clicking on the ground. "Let's go" she said.

"You're going to pay for this when we get back home" he said scornfully, grabbing her arm harshly and apparating the both of them to Malfoy Manor. The Manor was decorated elegantly with lights and floating candles, the perfumes worn by various men and women mingling into one, sweet scent. Couples, friends and families stood with poise, donning their fanciest robes and masks, gripping glasses of wine in their hands.

Adrienne could barely recognise everyone as their faces were covered with their masks. The real talking and chatting would only commence when their identity was revealed, or if the guests already knew which person they were talking to. Apart from that, they merely roamed the grounds, making conversation with whoever they saw, no matter they were as their identities was hidden. In a way, the masquerade ball was an excellent way to meet new people, the mystery of it all was exciting.

Noah linked his arm with Adrienne's as if they hadn't been in an argument just minutes ago. He led her to a group of old men who were laughing amongst themselves, drinking from crystal glasses of firewhiskey. "Mr. Delor, Mr. Smith, so lovely to see you here" Noah put on his charm to greet his colleagues.

"Noah Davis? That you?" a grey-haired man looked Noah up and down, trying to see behind his mask.

"Yes Mr. Smith" he shook his hand, "This is my wife, Adrienne Davis-" 

"Ellis-Davis, wonderful to meet you sir" Adrienne smiled sweetly as Mr. Smith took her palm in his and kissed the top of it. "Good lord, can't see behind your mask and I can tell you're a pretty one. Nice catch Davis" Mr. Smith grinned at Noah and Adrienne puked internally at his remark. Soon, Noah indulged himself in conversations about business and the Ministry. Adrienne found herself standing in a corner, sipping from a glass of wine. She had been looking for Draco but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Come on Adrienne, let's dance" Noah said, approaching her after an hour of conversing with his friends and colleagues.

"You know I don't dance" she said, resting her glass on a table.

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