48) Each time you fall in love

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A/n: I'm so sorry I haven't given you any smut for the past ten chapters. I know this was supposed to be a smut book but the rewrite changed things up for me and smut doesn't fit in the plot at the moment. I really hope you don't mind :((


'Each time you have a dream, you never know what it means'

Adrienne huffed as she sat down at one of the tables in The Leaky Cauldron. Today had been another long day at work and she was just looking forward to unwinding with her dog and perhaps a book. She slung her bag on the back of her chair and looked around for a waitress, only to see Maggie walking towards her with a smile on her face.

"Hey Addie, I've got your mail for you" she greeted, handing her a few envelopes. Adrienne flicked through them as Maggie sat opposite her, magicking a plate of sandwiches from the kitchens. Most of the mail was just bills and advertisements but she came across a particular one that she hadn't expected to see.

"Well that's odd, I didn't think anyone would book the cabin after they heard about my divorce" Adrienne said, opening the letter to read the details about the guests. The cabin was booked by someone of the name 'Isabella Rue', Adrienne had never heard of her before.

"Someone booked your cabin?" Maggie asked, eyebrows raised, "That's nice, when's it for?"

"15th of April, crap, that's on the same day as the party at the Malfoys" Adrienne sighed. "Don't skip the party! Draco would be pretty upset!" Maggie said, resting her cup of tea down on the table, looking slightly alarmed.

Adrienne narrowed her eyes at her "Since when do you care about me being at the party so much?" But then her lips turned up in a smirk and she rested her chin on her palm and her elbow on the table, "So...is Draco good in bed like they all say he is?" she waggled her eyebrows at Maggie.

"Shut up Addie" Maggie rolled her eyes, a blush creeping up her neck, "Focus on the other matters at hand, how are you going to do both at the same time?" she asked, changing the topic completely.

"Maybe I'll just get the cabin ready beforehand, attend the party and then go back to the cabin the same afternoon" Adrienne suggested and Maggie nodded in agreement.

But Adrienne failed to notice a hint of a smile on Maggie's lips. A smile that knew much more than she did.


The Summer Ball in Malfoy Manor, or rather the Summer Garden party, was a splendid yet semi-formal affair, cold flutes of champagne, light, fluttering dresses and the shine of the sun on Narcissa Malfoy's well kept garden was a sight to behold, putting even the most grumpiest in the best of moods. Everyone received an invite, and everyone attended, simply because it was one of the biggest summer events of the year.

Adrienne Ellis donned her simple, baby yellow dress with a pattern of tiny pink petals covering it, which looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was curled to perfection, a light smattering of highlighter and glitter dancing on her cheekbones. She tucked a pink, translucent bougainvillea behind her ear, the scent of it lingering on her skin as she stepped on to the gardens crowded with people of all magical descent, chattering and laughing loudly amongst each other.

Adrienne felt out of place, she couldn't find Draco or Maggie anywhere and there was no one else here who she was very familiar with. Just an hour ago, she had summoned her cabin from the lake and gotten it ready for the guest who was going to arrive later this afternoon.

She recognised Neville Longbottom standing a few yards away from her with his girlfriend and decided to join them. "You're looking lovely Adrienne" Neville and Hannah greeted her, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

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