26) Knife

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Warning: Mention of knives and slight mention of accidentally cutting yourself. Please include a trigger warning before commenting anything of sensitive nature.

"Should I even bother asking why you've got a bucket of melted ice on your bedside table?" Adrienne heard a familiar voice above her and she opened her eyes to see George standing there, hands on his hips.

"Get out George" Fred mumbled, pulling Adrienne closer to him, his eyes still closed. She was glad they were covered completely by the sheets, she really didn't want George to see her and Fred naked.

"I would but I'm here for urgent shop business, I need to know when those flowers are going to be in bloom. We've been away from the shop for too long" said George.

"Funny you ask, it should be any time soon actually. Maybe some time next week we should be receiving the letter about the flowers" Adrienne yawned.

"Good, now get out of bed, it's 10 in the morning" George said, leaving Fred and Adrienne alone in the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Thought he'd never leave" Fred murmured into Adrienne's neck, pressing a few soft kisses on her skin. "Mm I'd like to wake up like this every day" Adrienne breathed, snuggling closer to him. He was so warm and comfortable.

"You're like a massive pillow" Adrienne blurted.

Fred squinted up at her, "Is that all I am to you? A pillow? I am hurt" Fred said in fake horror.

"Noo, you're not just a pillow, though your pretty comfortable to hug when I sleep"

"Essentially, what you're saying is that I'm a pillow" said Fred.

"A 6'3", redheaded pillow" said Adrienne.

Fred climbed over Adrienne, his hands running up and down her sides as he started to tickle her. Adrienne squealed, squirming around underneath him as she tried to stop him. "F-Fred stop!" she said in between laughter.

"It's what you get for calling me a pillow" Fred grinned, still continuing to tickle her. He only stopped when she was at the point of begging him to stop, climbing off of her and lying down next to her. He pulled her close once more and wrapped his arms around her like a bear, "To be honest though, I love being your pillow"

"You're such a dork" Adrienne shook her head fondly.

"You love it" Fred grinned.


The next few days passed by blissfully, everyone had had the most magical time at Fred and George's birthday. But it slowly began to dawn on Adrienne that the group would be going back home soon because the flowers would be in bloom any moment.

Thinking about the flowers reminded Adrienne of a muggle story Hermione had told her about, it was called the Beauty and the Beast. She had told her that the Beast had time to turn back to his human form until the flower had completely wilted. In Adrienne's case, she had time until the flowers bloomed before she would be left alone once more. But she didn't entertain those thoughts for long, making up her mind to spend as much as time possible with everyone else.

"You know, this is probably going to be our last week here, we should make the most of it" Ginny pointed out.

"What can we do? We've done pretty much everything we could, camping, village visits, shopping" Hermione replied. The three girls were sitting in the living room, painting their nails. Today was a long, boring day and it was quite sunny too. Fred and George were elbows deep in joke shop work, busy signing letters to the Ministry, approvals, salary receipts and whatnot.

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