4) Truth or Dare

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Everyone spent the entire day packing for their trip. Since they had decided to take up a challenge and do it the muggle way, packing seemed to go a lot more slower than usual.

"Ron you're supposed to zip it the other way round!" Hermione scolded, swatting his hand away from the zipper of a large rucksack to do it herself.

"Bloody hell 'Mione why did you ask me to help then?"

Adrienne rolled her eyes at them before turning to see that Harry was doing the same with George and Fred, helping them to fill a rucksack up with food. He watched in disbelief as the two of them made a big deal about having to carry the items with their hands and put it in the bags themselves.

"You're the one who suggested the whole Muggle idea Fred" Harry said.

The next morning came by quickly, as usual, Adrienne was the first one to wake up.

"Hermione, wake up" she shook Hermione's shoulder gently to get her up.

"What time is it?" she yawned.

"Six" Adrienne replied.

"Is everyone else up yet?"

"No I'll go wake them up now" Adrienne said, leaving Hermione's room. She stood in front of the door of the boys' room, unsure wether she should go in. She knocked loudly on the door but there was no response. So she knocked louder.

"What the hell is going on?" someone groaned sleepily from inside.

"Wake up! We're going to be late otherwise!" Adrienne called. They all groaned collectively before she heard them shifting out of their beds.

Adrienne made her way to get breakfast ready, glancing at all the packed bags lying by the door. The last thing she had expected from her stay at the lodge was to go on a camping trip with the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry, but here she was.

Fred walked out of the room first, donning what Adrienne called his signature 'morning' look: tousled hair, no shirt and eyes half-closed. She would be lying to herself if she said that she didn't enjoy the sight.

It was evident that Fred wasn't much of a morning person, unlike George who seemed pretty chirpy in the mornings. Ron was like Fred and Harry was neutral as always.

"Why couldn't we leave later?" Ron groaned, sitting at the table.

"It'll be blistering hot if we leave in the afternoon Ronald" Hermione replied.

Once everyone was done eating and getting dressed, they met at the entrance.

"Alright you lot, a couple of rules. Stick with the group, don't go wandering off on your own. We're leaving our wands behind so no sneaking it into your backpacks, we're doing this the Muggle way. It's going to take us a few hours to get to the camping site-"

"We could just apparate" Ron suggested.

"Don't be daft, we're going to walk there" Adrienne said before pushing the door open. Everyone grabbed their backpacks while Adrienne did the necessary to hide the cabin back in its place in the pond.

Everyone watched in amazement as she performed the spells. Then, they began their trek to the camping site. Adrienne led the group as Hermione, George, Harry, Fred and Ron followed.

"Didn't know you were so talented in Charms" Fred said, jogging up to her to walk next to her.

"Yea well there's a lot of things I'm good at that you don't know about Weasley" Adrienne replied.

"Really? Like what?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out" she said cryptically. She knew that if she said anything else, he would've probably mocked her as per usual.

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