56) Polaroid

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"No no, a little further away love" Fred said, gesturing Adrienne to move further back. She frowned in annoyance, shifting to the left side of the bed. The blanket covered most of her body, leaving her head and neck exposed. "Fred I'm about to fall asleep" she groaned.

"Not letting you sleep until I get this right" he said, lifting the polaroid camera up to his face "The lightings perfect, you don't get sun like this every day and it makes you look like an angel" he said, clicking the little button on top. He set the polaroid to the side before preparing to take another one. He was sitting on his knees, shirtless, his grey sweatpants hanging loosely around his legs. The sunlight shone through the windows and on to their bed, warming up their sheets.

"Do you wanna take that blanket off?" he asked. "But I'm naked underneath it" replied Adrienne.

"All the better" Fred said, a tiny smirk on his face, "Unless you're not comfortable with it, I'm gonna give you these pictures anyway for safekeeping, no copies"

Adrienne thought about it for a few moments, "Alright Weasley, you want a photoshoot? I'll give you a photoshoot" she said, a hint of excitement in her voice,"But you have to turn around first"

Fred grumbled, turning around to face away from her. Adrienne stood up from the bed, letting the blanket fall off of her. Then, she grabbed one of her favourite robes from the wardrobe, one which she never got a chance to wear. It was the colour of sage, and was completely and absolutely see through, made only of lace and net. There weren't too many intricate designs on it, just a simple robe that Adrienne had once found when browsing for lingerie.

She pulled it on herself, and somehow, it felt even more sexier than being bare.

"Okay, you can turn around now" Fred turned around to face her, and his jaw dropped open at the sight in front of him.

There Adrienne stood, leaning against the wall, donned in one of her most sheer robes. The sunlight fell on her, illuminating certain sides and curves of her body, accentuating those that seemed to be hidden. Her hair shone, her lips wet as she licked them from nervousness. Fred could see her completely, but the robe fitting loosely around the curve of her breasts, her hips and thighs concealed her body very slightly. If Fred thought she looked angelic before, there were no words to describe how she looked like now.

"So?" she asked, "What do you think?"

"I- oh my god Adrienne I-I don't think you even know how pretty you look" he knew those words were an understatement, but he couldn't even get himself to speak, "You're gorgeous my love, I don't think I'm ever letting you take that robe off"

"Not even when you fuck me?" she asked playfully.

"Especially not when I fuck you" he smirked, holding the polaroid camera up with his shaky hands again. Now lift both your arms above your head, maybe move one of your legs forward and kinda flex it?"

"You should be a professional photographer" Adrienne smiled, lifting her arms above her head. The position accentuated her curves even more and Fred could almost die on the spot. He clicked a few photos of her before asking her to switch poses.

At one point, he stopped taking pictures and moved to stand in front of her. "What are you doing? Get back to taking photos of me" she laughed.

"An expert photographer must always know how to make their photos look even better" he said in a professional tone.

 With his right hand, he fiddled with Adrienne's robe, letting it slip off of her shoulder. He leaned forward and pressed his lips on her shoulder, taking a deep breath before kissing up her neck.

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now