22) Brawl

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Warnings: Indirect mentions of non-consensual touching, drugging by love potion, violence, can get a little sensitive so skip if you're uncomfortable and dm me if you want me to fill you in with any important plot lines that have occurred in this chapter

The candles flickered tauntingly, as if they would blow out on their own accord if looked at.

"You're going to stay with me yeah? You're going to be mine" his voice, smooth as silk, floated into her ears, wrapping its bounds around her.

"I'm going to be yours?" she whispered, shivering in delight. She would've done anything to be his. Anything.

"Yes darling, you don't need the others. Fred Weasley cannot please you like I do" his lips seemed to be moving in slow motion as she watched them.

The name 'Fred Weasley' sounded so familiar, yet so distant, like a vague dream.

"I want only you, I don't ever want to leave you" she murmured, another shiver running up her spine when he rested his hand on her knee.

"You won't ever be leaving me"

If she hadn't been so intoxicated, his smile would've looked dangerous, menacing.


"Fred we're wasting time here, something's obviously not right" Harry said nervously.

Fred had gone completely silent, his mind working away as he tried to fix the pieces together. If that hadn't been Olivia with Blaise, who was it?

"Olivia, I need you to tell me what you did these last few days, where have you been?" Fred asked urgently.

"I've been working at the shop, you can ask my mum, I was with her the whole time. I haven't been anywhere else"

Fred's heart rate quickened even more as he couldn't for the life of him figure out what the hell was going on.

"You guys are scaring me, what's wrong?" she asked.

Suddenly, there was a loud pop and Hermione appeared, a worried expression on her face. "Adrienne still isn't back home yet, any luck over here?" she asked, walking towards them.

"Adrienne's missing? Why the fuck has no one told me that?" Olivia said, a surprised yet nervous expression on her face.

Fred paced the ground, his head in his hands as he tugged his hair. The only other person who had met with Adrienne apart from the group back at the cabin today was Oliver. And Blaise.

"Olivia, is Oliver here?"

"No he's in London at the moment though he'll be back in a couple of days"

"Fuck" Fred muttered. The only other person left was Blaise, and he had an inkling that Blaise would know exactly where Adrienne was, seeing how he had always been ogling her every time they had been anywhere near each other. As much as Fred hated taking help from him, he had no choice. But he didn't know where he lived.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Olivia asked.

"Look Olivia I really do not have the time to expl-" Fred stopped talking as a sudden idea crossed his mind. His eyes widened with excitement.

"Harry, you fill Olivia in. Hermione you're coming with me to l'aphrodisiaque"

"Fred, now really isn't the time to go to a sex shop" Olivia crossed her arms.

Fred rolled his eyes, grabbing on to Hermione's arm, "I'm not going there to shop Olive" he said before disapparating the both of them to l'aphrodisiaque. It was completely dark, as opposed to how brightly lit and bustling it looked in the daytime.

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now