1) The Arcanus Lodge

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Adrienne Ellis was a woman of many virtues. There was much people had to say about her, honest, funny, smart, beautiful although she was stubborn, and a little short-tempered too.

But the only thing most people despised about her was that she was a Slytherin from a very well known pure-blood family. The Ellis family were known for their loyalty towards Voldemort but now that it had been four years since the Wizarding World, no one seemed to care that Adrienne was a Ellis. No one except her family, her parents.

One of her most prized possessions was The Arcanus Lodge in North England, a family lodge that had belonged to her great-great grandfather and had been passed down to her less than two years ago when she turned twenty and completed her further education.

Adrienne lived in a small Wizarding Town in Western England in a lovely little cottage. Whenever wizards and witches would book this cabin for a holiday, they'd send a letter to the Travel Ministry which would be directed to her with the details of the booker.

Every time she received a letter for a booking, she would travel to Northern England where she would get the cabin ready for the guests.

It had been a while since anyone had booked the cabin so it came as a natural surprise when one fine sunny day, Adrienne received a letter stamped with the Travel Ministry seal. She had ripped it open in excitement but as she read the words on the parchment, her stomach dropped.

"Fred and George Weasley" she whispered to herself, the names of the other guests were not mentioned.

There is one more thing you should know about her. She detested the twins, especially Fred. They had made life hell for her at Hogwarts, even though she had been in the year below them. At first, she paced around her room, unsure if she would be able to deal with them for a whole month. But she had no choice and so she sent a confirmation letter back to the Ministry saying that she would get the cabin ready for them.

Currently, she found herself standing in front of the tiny pond in the middle of the woods.

"Arcanus Resurgemes" she shot a spell at the pond and suddenly, the water began to froth and bubble. From it, emerged a large wooden cabin, big enough to house seven people. The cabin floated up and out of the pond, situating itself on the ground just a few metres away from the water body. It dried immediately, looking as if it had always been present there.

She started to perform the necessary charms to keep it locked in place and hidden from the Muggle world. She entered it, breathing in the familiar scent of cedar wood, eucalyptus and rain.

The cabin was as new as ever with two bedrooms, which magically reshaped according to the number of people living in them. In this case, there was one large bedroom big enough for five people, with five different beds, where the Weasley men and Harry Potter would stay. The other bedroom was much smaller with a large king sized bed on which three people could sleep comfortably.

There was also a kitchen, a living and dining room, a fireplace and a broom closet. There was another small room in the very back, secluded from the rest where Adrienne would stay. It was also known as the 'owner's room' and had its own little kitchenette and bathroom.

This was the only drawback of the cabin, for it to be used for other guests, it was compulsory for the owner of the cabin to stay in there too, otherwise, the cabin would start to disappear back into the pond.

Her ancestors had made it so because they were afraid of the cabin being stolen by their guests. By staying in the cabin with them, they could prevent that.

But Adrienne knew how to stay out of the way of her guests, most times, they barely realised she was even there.

There was a portkey lying outside through which the group of guests would be arriving any minute.

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