41) Arrangements

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Warning: Very slight mention of domestic violence


For the past week, Adrienne woke up between satin sheets and heavy duvets, the canopy over her head blocking the sunlight from the window. She would sit up and stare out of the glass panes for a few moments, revelling in the feeling of being freed from her confines. Then, she would shower, get dressed and join Draco and whichever woman he was sleeping with the night before for breakfast.

"Morning Addie" Draco greeted, sipping from a glass of orange juice. A beautiful woman with deep brown hair sat next to him in her dressing gown, reading her book. "Good Morning Draco, Marlene"

"Morning darling, that dress looks lovely on you" Marlene smiled, lighting herself a cigarette and resting it between her lips. Marlene was an odd woman but very fun to be around. Draco liked her, and so did Adrienne.

"Sleep well?" Draco asked, pushing the jug of orange juice towards her. She poured some for herself and nodded, "Yeah, thank you for letting me stay here" she said. "Don't thank me, you're welcome here any time"

"I'm sensing you both need some time alone, what with the divorce and all, I'm off for a shower then" she said, pressing a kiss on Draco's cheek before disappearing into his bedroom. She left a big, red lipstick stain on his skin.

"I've gotta say, Marlene is my favourite out of all the women you've slept with" Adrienne smirked and Draco shook his head. "How's the process going, Noah signed the papers yet?" he asked.

"I sent them to him but he's just being a big brat about it. He has to sign them eventually though, fingers crossed he gets it done by today" Adrienne said. It had been three days since the divorce papers had been printed by the Ministry, Adrienne had signed them immediately but Noah decided to take his own sweet time.

"I really admire you Addie, you know that you're going to become a social outcast yet you went ahead and got rid of the prat" Draco spoke. "Geez, thanks for rubbing the social outcast thing in, can't wait to live my life on the streets" Adrienne rolled her eyes. As happy as she was that she was finally free, she realised that she had no financial stability except for what her parents would leave her. But they were undoubtedly going to disown her anyway.

"You can always stay here" Draco offered. "As amazing as that sounds, I can't live off of you. I brought this upon myself and I'm going to fix things" Adrienne said determinedly.

"Lucky for you I already made the first step, your parents are going to be here any minute, I invited them" Draco said quickly, not making eye contact with her, "YOU WHAT?" she yelled "THEY'RE GOING TO KILL ME!" 

"Stop being so overdramatic, you should talk it out, what with them being the people who gave birth to you and stuff" he said cheekily, earning a slap on the shoulder from Adrienne. "C'mon Addie, it can't be that bad, who knows, maybe they'll understand?"

Mr. and Mrs. Ellis knew of Adrienne and Noah's separation, but they hadn't reached out to either of them to talk about it. Adrienne wondered what they would say when they finally met her today. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. "That must be them" Draco said, getting up from his chair and making his way out of the dining room to open the door.

Adrienne nervously followed him into the living room where her parents now stood, frowns on their faces. Her mother, as always, was dressed to the nines in her robes, her face painted with makeup. Her father wore his usual suit and tie attire.

"Adrienne" her mother said curtly as they sat on the sofa. "Hello mother, father" Adrienne greeted, sitting on the armchair too. Draco left them alone to give them some privacy, flashing Adrienne an encouraging thumbs up.

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