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The next day

I woke up to a loud bang. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up. I looked around and saw Leo in front of me.

"The hell, what do you want?" I said groggily. I heard a gasp and I looked over to see Piper.

"di immortals you have a deep morning voice" She said. I turned my gaze to look at Leo.

"Can I have an explanation" I asked.

"ITS CHRISTMAS!" He yelled. I then shot up. How could I forget that it was Christmas.

(Yeah this happened to me, I slept n till like 10 on Christmas, for context I normally only sleep until like 8 on normal days.)

"Shit I gotta get changed, so could you guys leave" I said. They walked out and I flung on a Christmas fleece and trackies. I then ran to Annabeth's room. She was still asleep.

"Annabeth" I said in a sing song tone.

"What did you do?" She asked. Her hair was a mess and she was rubbing her eyes to remove the sleep from her eyes. She looked at me and then a look of realization flashed through her mind.

"Its Christmas" She said. She then sat up.

"Yep" I replied before leaning in and kissing her. "And that was your wake up kiss"

"Percy, I need to get changed." She said. I walked out of the room as she got changed. After a few minutes she walked out in a Christmas fleece and ripped jeans. I smiled when I saw her before swinging my arm around her shoulder as we walked through the mansion. When we reached the living room we gazed at the enormous tree.

The decorations were beautiful and presents were piled high underneath it, The ribbons reflected light around the room from the Christmas lights wrapping around the tree. The seven were sitting around the tree with my mum, Paul, Piper's dad, Sam, Coach Hedge and his family.

"So its time for presents" Piper's dad said. We surged forward and started to hand out presents. I gave my present to Annabeth. She opened it and it revealed a bronze knife. The handle was leather.

"Thank you Percy" She said before wrapping me in a hug. 

"its like riptide but you don't need a cap. You can just will it into changing into a pencil" I whispered into her ear "It will also always return to your pocket" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then handed me a present. I opened it and I gazed inside.

Inside the present was a beautiful design of a house. I looked up at her questioningly.

"There building that house in New Rome for us, when were 18 we can move in together" She said. A smile lit up my face and I pulled her into a kiss. She kissed back and after a while we broke apart panting. I looked around to see everybody staring at us.

"What?" I said. They all turned away and started mumbling excuses. Annabeth let out a laugh and I smiled. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. 

As the morning carried on we started to play little games and having fun. 

That evening

I took Annabeth's hand while the other wrapped around her waist. We started to dance to the music that filled the room. While we danced I gave her a quick smile. She placed her head against my chest.

"This was a great Christmas"

"it really was, wasn't it Wise Girl" I replied before leaning in and kissing her. We continued to dance for the rest of the night as the jolly tunes resonated around the house.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now