The hero returns(Harry)

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I woke up, rubbing my head. I started to remember everything and I felt awful. I looked abck at all the memories of me being a jerk. I was about to start crying but I looked up and I saw a massive black snake pushing against a boy. I glanced closer and realized it was Percy, who was making massive water fist to push against the creature.

I dashed forwards as I saw it grab Percy's glowing sword. It turned it around to point it at Percy.

"EXPLELLIAMUS!" I yelled. The sword flew into the sky. "Accio sword!"

The sword flew towards me and I caught it.

"Accio Firebolt!" My broomstick hot towards me and I dropped my wand. I sat on the broomstick and shot towards the creature. I dodged past one of its massive heads. And dodged past what I think was at an arm. It seemed that the creature could create limbs. I flew past a few spikes that burst out of its massive hide. I reached its head and swung the sword across its neck. I flew around it in a circle and then I flew away. The head fell of the body decapitated. I glanced down to see Annabeth. She looked at me shell shocked.

I flew back at the snake. It was letting out a massive howl from its head being decapitated. It was shrinking quickly and becoming smaller by the second. Percy picket it up and held it above him.

"FINISH IT!" He yelled. I nodded and sped up. I held the sword up swung down. A few seconds later the massive head hit the ground and started to roll away. Its body started to disintegrate. I flew towards the ground and dismounted. I handed the sword back to Percy.

"Look I am so sorry, I don't know what happened but I felt all these negative emotions and I acted on them and I was dickhead and I am so sorry"

"Look don't worry about it, I forgive you. The creature did a stupid long monologue" Percy replied. I smiled at him and he held out his fist. I bumped it with mine.

"Hey Harry, catch" I head Annabeth say and I turned around and caught my wand.

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem, now lets make sure Dumbledore is okay" Annabeth said. Percy nodded and dashed towards the stand. I followed him and saw Dumbledore, unconscious in the stand. He had a hole going straight through his wrist and thigh. Most of his right hand was hanging on by the threads of his muscles. 

"Oh my god" I said, clasping my hand to my mouth. "DUMBLEDORE WAKE UP, DUMBLEDORE!" I screamed shaking him lightly, tears pouring out of my eyes. This was my fault.

"Harry, don't worry I'm-" Dumbledore coughed. "I'm fine, at least I will be when I see Madam Pomfrey. Annabeth set of to find her as I sat in the rubble with Dumbledore and Percy talking with them.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now