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I walked through the hallways of my school. It was the last day and after school Percy was coming to pick me up with Annabeth. I couldn't wait. Just one more lesson. I walked to my seat. My friend Natalie was next to me. She was my height with straight red hair and blue eyes. Freckles were splatted all over the bridge of her nose and her cheeks. Her hair was tied back in aa blue bandana.

"Hey Girl" She said.

"Hi" I replied. We talked for a while. When we left class Samantha walked up to me.

"Hey loser" She said as her boyfriend shoved me against the locker. When I hit the locker I pretended to get hurt. Natalie tried to intervene but she got pushed over. "Take the freak outside"

Her boyfriend picked me up. When we got outside he threw me onto the floor. He sent a kick into my side. I faked pain but then he kicked me in the face. Blood poured out of my nose and my cheek was on fire. I couldn't hurt them. I knew this, I wasnt much of a physical fighter without a weapon. Annabeth had promised that she would teach me how to fight this winter so I couldn't wait. Anyway, they all laughed, I heard a car come into the parking lot. I looked up and saw Percy's car. When he stepped out I heard Samantha gasp. She said something to her boyfriend. He looked angry but she waved him of. 

I stood up and I ran towards Percy.

"Percy" I yelled as I jumped  up and he caught me in a hug. When he set me down I hugged him again. Why was he so tall.

"Hey Hazel" He said. I suddenly felt some force on my side and started to fall. Percy caught me.

"Hey there hot stuff" Samantha said leaning down to show the most cleavage possible. Percy looked away.

"Go away, you just pushed Hazel over. Wait Hazel why are you bleeding, why is your cheek bruised." Percy asked.

"It is not important, how about you come home with me" Samantha said.

"Yeah you are 14, I am 17 and I have a girlfriend." Percy replied.

"But Hazel's 14" Samantha whined. Me and Percy looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Were cousins" I said. Samantha looked shocked. Just then Annabeth stepped out of the car. 

"What's taking you to so long" She asked.

"Just some dumb mean fucking bitch that thinks she can hurt Hazel and then flirt with me" Percy replied. Annabeth's face contorted with anger. She walked up to Samantha and pushed her over.

"Look don't you dare hurt Hazel, Percy wouldn't fall for a slut like you anyway so I am not mad about you flirting with my boyfriend." Annabeth said. I looked up and I saw Natalie run up to us.

"Hazel who are they" She asked "Is that Frank" she pointed at Percy.

"Nah Hazel is like a sister to me plus she is my cousin. I'm Percy" Percy held out his hand. Natalie shook it. "Hazel we got to go if you want to pick up Frank, he is staying behind today to wait for us."

"Bye Natalie" I said. I gave her a quick hug before stepping into the car.

"So Hazel, if that bitch, Samantha tries anything just call me" Percy said.

"Thanks Percy" I said.

Alissa POV:

I was going to ask out Frank Zhang. I have known him for 6 months and I am his closest friend that goes here. I really think he likes me back. I am staying behind with him so I can ask him.

"Hey Frank" I say after 20 minutes of waiting.

"Yeah Al-" He was cut of by his phone ringing. He put it to his ear. "Ok I will come out, love you too bye"

"What was that about"

"My ride is here" He replied.

"Wait Frank, I really like you and well do you want to go out with me?" I asked. His face changed into pity.

"I am really sorry but I have a girlfriend" He said. He then walked outside. I decided to follow him. When he reached the gorgeous car a short African American girl walked out. She had Hazel eyes and frizzy hair. Her cheek was bruised and so was her nose. Frank cupped her cheek in his hand and inspected her bruises. Then she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. He kissed her back then took her hand and they walked into the car. I felt the tears roll down my face as I walked away. Frank was taken, I should have expected that. My lip trembled as I walked back home.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now