The trial (Percy)

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I woke up to a loud bang. I looked up and saw Annabeth standing above me with a pot and a pan.

"Seaweed brain get up, you have your trial today" She said. I sat up and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"When are they getting here?" I asked groggily, as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"An hour, so get ready Percy" She said. I shot her a smile before walking into the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I put on a blue shirt and a grey jacket with ripped jeans. When I left the bathroom I saw Piper chasing Leo around.

"LEO GIVE IT BACK!" She screamed. He stuck his tongue out at her and she gained on him. I let out a small laugh and continued walking down the hallways. When I reached the kitchen I saw Annabeth eating cereal. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I pulled her into a tight hug before walking of to grab a pancake. I inhaled it and stood up.

"So how long is left until they come?" I asked. Annabeth glanced at the clock.

"About 10 minutes" She said. I nodded and sat down on the sofa. Annabeth sat next to me and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She snuggled up to me and I kissed her cheek. We enjoyed each others company for a while before there was a knock on the door.

I stood up and walked over to the door. I opened it and I was greeted by the sight of Dumbledore.

"Hello Perseus, if you could grab my hand then we can go" He said. I nodded and then turned around to look at Annabeth.

"Love you, bye" I said before grabbing onto Dumbledore's arm and being transported to a corridor.

As I followed him in I walked into a large court room. My gaze directed to a chair in the middle of the room and I was beckoned to sit on it. When I sat down I saw a tall man step forwards.

"The trial shall now begin, Perseus Riddle-" He started.

"Its Jackson" I growled. He gazed at me for a moment, a flicker of annoyance on his face but he continued to speak.

"Perseus you used the freezing charm on a muggle in front of a large number of muggles. What do you have to say about this"

"That all the 'muggles' in the room knew that magic existed."

"And why did you use the spell, to show off, to follow in your grand fathers footsteps?" He said, an edge was in his voice.

"To give them a hug" I said. The courtroom eyes me suspiciously but then Dumbledore stepped forwards.

"an important thing to remember is that Perseus is new to the wizarding world, he most likely has not been taught the laws as he never had the beginner classes that most have in their first year." Dumbledore said while pacing. The courtroom fell silent.

"The jury shall decide" The man said before sitting down. Whispers were exchanged and then a letter was given to the judge.

"Perseus shall be given a warning but no charges shall be pressed" He said. Just then one of the Jury stood up.

"No he is related to VOLDEMORT, AVADA KADAVRA" She yelled and a green spell was shot at me. I jumped up and flipped over it. As I was spinning I saw that the spell was going to hit somebody so I took out my wand.

"Augementi" I yelled and used the water to encase the spell. I then directed it towards the floor and released it. It hit the floor with a loud bang. I looked back at the witch that had attacked me and I saw most of the people in the room pointing their wands at her. She dropped her wand and she was escorted out of the room.

"Well that went out with a bang" I said. Dumbledore glanced at me and chuckled. He then grabbed my wrist and everything went black for a second. When we got back I saw Annabeth waiting at the front door.

"So what happened?" She asked.

"They let me off" I responded and she pulled me into a tight hug. I gave her a quick kiss before intertwining my fingers with hers and we walked inside. I turned around and heard a pop sound and Dumbledore was gone. I smiled at where he had been before we walked inside.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now