Yellow it is (Harry)

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The wimp. Fainted right after sorting. I'm surprised he wasnt a Slytherin. I guess he is just as useless as the rest of his house. I watched as he woke up after a few moments. He looked disoriented. He stumbled towards his table. When he sat down I saw a 4th year give him a hug. 
Dumbledore stepped forwards.

"We have another announcement." He boomed. "Sirius Black and Remus Lupin shall teach defense against the dark arts. Also it has been 4 years, the Tri Wizard tournament is back."

This caused an uproar of exited yells.  Ron looked at me excitement on his face. I guess he wanted to be Hogwarts champion. I knew that it would be me. I mean I'm Harry Potter for crying out loud. When the excitement died down we went to our rooms. Kids bombarded me with questions. I felt like the celebrity I am so I acted like one.


When we went to the room I loved it instantly. The vines reminded me of camp. the fire felt like the camp fire, it was perfect. As I gazed at the room I was greeted by the prefect. Zacharias Smith. He looked at Dale with disgust. I hated him instantly.

"Hey, I am your prefect" He held out his hand. He had an upturned nose and curly blonde hair. I shook his hand.

"Were will I sleep?"

"The only place we can put you is next to the freak." He gestured to Dale. I was filled with rage. Dale looked at me with fear. I guess he thought I would abandon him.

"The fuck did you just say?" I said. I was much taller than Zach. He cowered in fear when he saw my glare. I grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and lifted him up.

"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!" I yelled. I let go and he fell. He was sprawled on the floor. His eyes were wide and fearful. I grabbed Dale's arm and pulled him away from the crowd. 

"Hey lets go to our beds" I said kindly, he looked at me with admiration. He led me to the beds. I started to unpack. I put a picture of the seven on my desk. next to it was a picture of me and Annabeth. Dale pointed at her.

"That's my girlfriend, Annabeth. We have being going out for 2 years and friends since we were 12." I said. He nodded before continuing to unpack.  When we finished I fell back onto the bed.

We had a few games of Hacky sack and rock paper scissors. He wasn't the best at Hacky sack but he kicked ass in Rock, Paper and Scissors. Almost as good as Wise girl. I felt a pang in my chest. this was going to be hard. Eventually I heard footsteps and people coming in. I saw Dale's eyes dart around, full of fear.

I stood in front of him as 2 boys came in. One was tall and had blonde hair. he had mud brown eyes and pale skin. the Boy next to him was tanned and had black hair. His eyes were also brown but they seemed more like dark chocolate. they both looked 14.

They stared at me. Then at Dale. Then back to me. It was funny watching their faces get filled with confusion.

"Names" I said.

" Derick" The blonde said.

"Aaron" The dark haired said.

"Percy" I responded.

"What are you doing with him" The Blonde said, his voice filled with disgust. He looked at Dale with anger.

"He is my friend." I responded, I glared at him. I think he shit himself.

"Nice to know that some people are nice to my cousin" Aaron said before giving Derick a shove. He stumbled into a bed and fell over. Dale's glasses tilted when he shrugged. The yellow speckles in his eyes shone whenever he was happy. As I talked to Aaron I learnt that Dale was born mute. He was missing a lot of vocal cords and was unable to make sound. He could make small sounds but not without immense pain, these included grunts, Sobs and small chuckles. 

I started to learn sign language. I couldn't read his notes so this would be the only way to talk to him. I had started to get better at it. I wasnt anywhere nearly as good as Aaron but I was starting to understand some things. 

"Hey if I scream and thrash in my sleep through things at me."

"Ok" Aaron responded.

"It will probably happen, I have sleeping issues." I said

They both nodded. Eventually they went to sleep. After a few hours so did I.


I woke up to screaming. Percy was crying, his arms flailing in the air. He kept screaming Annabeth's name. I through a book at him. He dodged it with insane speed. I through another and he caught it and woke up. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked terrified.

"Just a dream, she will be okay" He muttered. He looked up at me "Thanks" 

I just nodded and got my books. I decided to give him a hug. He looked shocked but returned the favor. His arms were strong and comforting. They were riddled with cuts and smelled like the sea, weird. After we broke the hug he walked of to the bathroom. 

I went back to sleep.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now