Great more family members, not like I have enough of those (PERCY)

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When we arrived at the mansion I couldn't help but stare. It was at least 5 stories and it was massive. When we knocked on the door we were greeted by a man that resembled Paul.

"Ah Paul" The man said.

"Mattias hi, this is my wife, Sally, my stepson Percy and this is Annabeth. She is basically family" Paul said. Mattias looked at Annabeth with thin smile that didnt reach his baby brown eyes. As we followed him inside I saw a variety of family members.

When we stepped into the living room I was greeted by an elderly couple.

"Ah Paul there you are" The woman said.

"Hey mum" He replied kissing her on the cheek. My grandmother had a kind smile, unlike my grandfather. His face was filled with disapproval that he tried to hide with a smile.

"So this is your wife" He said. He said wife like it was some sort of disease. Annabeth picked up on it also and gave him a glare.

"Yes this is my beautiful, kind, smart wife." Paul said, his voice filled with anger masked by his calm tone. His face was a mixture of when he scolded someone and when he was truly angry. I felt a rush of gratitude towards Paul.

"Well she seems lovely" My grandmother said. "Sally I would love to talk to you, and hopefully embarrass Paul."

Sally followed her out of the room. Paul cleared his throat.

"Percy, Annabeth I should introduce you to the rest of the family" Paul said, a bit of nervousness creeped into his voice. We followed Paul around to the other living room. Who has 2 living rooms?! 

"Percy these are your cousins" Paul said. He pointed to a girl a year younger then me and a 6 year old. The girl had long brown hair and baby brown eyes. She wore a skirt and a blouse. The 6 year old was in a button up and fancy jeans. He was obviously uncomfortable in his clothes. He shared the hair of his sister but he had amber eyes.

"Hi" I said before sitting down with them. The girl started swirl a strand of her hair around her finger. She gave me a huge smile which showed her shiny teeth. The 6 year old stumbled towards me. I caught him when he tripped. I then crouched down so that I was eye level with him.

"Hey buddy, I'm Percy what's your name?" I asked.

"Nathaniel" He said. 

"Hi I am Stacy" The girl said.

"Hi" I replied.

"I'm Annabeth"  My beautiful girlfriend said. She sat next to me which made Stacy frown. After a while I started to play with Nathaniel. He had these toy cars that he loved. I played with him and if I am going to be honest. I friggen loved the kid. He was adorable. He loved to share and loved having another person to play with him. It made me feel bad that nobody played with him.

"Percy can you come with me?" Stacy asked.

"Sure" I said suspiciously. I gave Annabeth a glance who nodded. She then walked over to Nathaniel and started to play with him. We then went into an abandoned hallway.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"So you know how we aren't related"


"Well I really like you" 

"Well I don't like you" I replied. She looked angry. She tried to kiss me but I moved out of the way and stormed back into the room with Annabeth and Nathaniel.

"What happened?" Annabeth asked.

"She tried to kiss me, the usual stuff that happened at Goode." I said before quickly giving Annabeth a kiss. I sat down with her and Nathaniel and we started to play again. After a while another little boy joined us. Me and Annabeth eventually left them to play together. As we walked down the hallways I saw my mother and grandmother talking. I took Annabeth's hand and we walked in.

"Hey mum" I said.

"Percy hi" My mum said.

"My you are really tall" My grandmother said.

"That's something she is still annoyed about" I said pointing at Annabeth. She walked up to me.

"I was once taller then you." She said.

"Times change" I replied as I looked down at her. I then leaned down and gave her a short kiss. My grandmother gasped.

"Seaweed brain, they don't know that we are dating" Annabeth said. I turned and saw my grandmother. Her face morphed from shock to joy.

"You 2 would make adorable babies" She said. Annabeth and I blushed furiously.

"I know" I said. Annabeth glared at me. "But not yet" I added quickly.

"yes not yet" Annabeth said before leaning against me. I kissed her forehead.

"So how long have you been dating." She asked.

"2 years, but we have known each other since we were 12" I said. She smiled again. 

"DINNER, ITS TIME FOR DINNER" we heard get yelled. when we walked into the dinning room I saw 30 people including us. When we sat down the family prayed and then we started to eat. The food was pretty good. I wolfed down portion after portion after portion.

"Seaweed brain slow down" Annabeth said slapping my arm.

"Sowwy" I said, my mouth filled with food. I swallowed "Sorry" After some small talk Mattias stood up.

"Ok if anybody has any thing to say please speak."

A few family members stood up and said random thing. Then Stacy stood up.

"Percy tried to kiss me" She said.

"Sorry what, you tried to kiss me" I replied.

"Are you calling my daughter a liar" Mattias said.

"Ask your son if she asked to speak with me in private"

"Nathaniel did what he say happen" My uncle said.

"Yep, when he came back he told Annabeth that she tried to kiss him. Then he kissed Annabeth and we played with cars" Nathaniel said.

"Well that's proof you go around kissing people" Mattias said. "And why would you try to kiss your family"

"Annabeth is my girlfriend of 2 years" I replied. "Does this place have cameras?"

"Yes it does" My grandmother said. We all watched the video. Mattias said it was doctored and my grandfather agreed.

"This ridiculous" I said. Everyone else agreed. Eventually we all sat back down.

"I have an announcement" Paul said. "Sally is pregnant" This was met by cheers. After lunch we all sat down and talked. I got Nathaniel's address. Afterwards we went home. Me and Annabeth were sat in the back of the car.

"I love you Wise Girl" I whispered.

"I love you to Seaweed brain" She said. She then leaned in and gave me kiss.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now