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I sat down in Starbucks. Leo was on his way and then we would get picked up. I looked around and I saw somebody.

His name is Jonathan and he was a dickhead. He always hit on me and never got the hint. He looked in my direction and a flash of recognition flickered onto his face.

"Hey babe" He said as we walked towards me.

"Piss of" I said. "I am taken."

"with your fake boyfriend" He replied.

"He is on his way here" I said back. He looked shocked. Just then Leo walked into the shop. He looked at us quizzically.  I mouthed help while Jonathan looked away for a second.

"Hey Calypso" Leo said.

"Leo" I replied before giving him a hug. He gave me a quick kiss. Jonathan's face was filled with shock. It then morphed into anger. He sent a punch at Leo but Leo dodged to one side.

"Really bro, that's not how you say hello" Leo said. Jonathan let out a guttural cry as he tried to kick Leo. Leo once again dodged the attack.

"Neither is that, repeat after me hello"

"I am going to destroy your face"

"I'm surprised, you can talk?" Another punch was sent at Leo but this time when he dodged he sent a quick punch into Jonathans jaw. Jonathan staggered backwards before taking out a knife. He threw it at Leo. Even though Leo could have dodged it a hand shot out and caught it. 

"Nice throw but not sure it was a good idea to throw knives at people" Percy said. He tossed Leo the knife. Before I could even register what happened Jonathan was on the floor with Percy crouching to look at him in the eye "Also I am not sure it was a good idea to attack my friend" 

"Waterboy!" Leo yelled "I wanted to beat the shit out of him, how dare you steal my thunder"

"Sorry Repair boy" Percy said with his hands up before Leo pulled him into a bro hug. 

"Good to see you dude" Leo said. 

"You to bro, hey Cal" Percy said. We followed him out of the door and got into his car. 

Ok this is a spoiler for TOA. So even though Apollo didnt turn mortal, Jasper is still broken up as that would have happened either way. Sorry if you ship Jasper. They are still on good terms though.


When we drove into the Mclean driveway we saw Piper waiting at the entrance. As we got out of the car Piper ran towards us. She pulled me and Annabeth into a hug. She then hugged Leo and Calypso. Finally she hugged Frank then Hazel as Frank was to large for her to hug them both.

"How have you been Pipes" I asked.

"I have been great, thanks Perce" She replied.

"No problem lil sis" I said giving her a fist bump. Me and Piper kinda had a brother/sister relationship. We followed her inside. I saw Jason and Thalia on a couch along with Will and Nico.

"Bro!" I yelled.

"Bro" He yelled back. He came up to me and we hugged. When we broke apart I gave Will a hug. I then looked at Nico.

"No" Nico said. I ran towards him. When I tried to hug him he dodged out of the way. I took out my wand. "Percy what the fuck is that!?" 

"Impendita" I yelled. Nico froze. I walked up to him. I muttered the counter curse and I hugged him.

"Percy I hate you so much" Nico mumbled before hugging back. When he broke of the hug I backed away. I slung an arm around Annabeth and kissed her temple.

"PERCABETH" Piper squealed. Just then an Owl flew through the window. It dropped a letter.

"Hey Frank can you read this for me?" I asked. He opened the letter.

"Perseus Riddle, for using magic in front of muggles you shall have a hearing at the ministry of magic. The hearing shall be on the 27th of December" Frank read.

"Well could they at least get my name right!" I yelled.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now