Just the average day for a demigod (Percy)

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As I walked down the halls with Annabeth I heard a loud shout and then a loud bang. It was coming from a deserted corridor away from the classrooms. I looked at Annabeth and she nodded. I took out Riptide in pen form and sprinted down the corridor until reaching the site of the shouts. I looked in to see a familiar face. Ron was on the floor. Blood spurting from his nose, his face bruised and blood leaking out of a large cut on his arm. His sleeve was ripped and his hair was a mess. He was standing protectively in front of a young Ravenclaw. In front of him was  Slytherin and 3 Ravenclaws. The Slytherin had his wand drawn at Ron same with the Ravenclaws. The young Ravenclaw was behind Ron.

"Just because your friends with Potter doesn't mean your a good Wizard. You can't even defend a mudblood" One of the Ravenclaws said. Ron let out a low growl and stood up slowly. He was shaking as he stood up, the Slytherin started to say a spell so I sprinted at him, Annabeth close behind me.

I rammed my shoulder into the Slytherin and he was sent tumbling to the floor. Annabeth rushed into one of the Ravenclaws and slammed her elbow into her face before sending 2 quick punches into her chest. She doubled over and hit the ground. The final Ravenclaw was holding his wand out pointing it at me. He then pointed it at Ron and set of a spell. It was a bright yellow light and just before it struck him I leaped in front of him. I tried to deflect the spell of my sword but I was too slow and it slammed into my chest.

I was sent flying backwards and slammed into a wall. I then hit the ground and could feel blood oozing from my forehead. I looked up to see the young Ravenclaw, her eyes filled with fear.

"You alright?" I asked, grimacing from the aching all over my body. Whatever spell that was, it could pack a punch. She nodded quickly, her tear filled eyes were a bright blue. I grunted and then felt something ooze out of my mouth. I wiped it away and realized it was blood. Nothing massive however. I felt around my mouth with my tongue and noticed a large teeth sized cut on the upper lid of my mouth. I had bitten it when the spell had hit me. The pain started to become noticeable.

"Perce, you okay?" Annabeth asked. I nodded but grimaced at the motion, I had carelessly let my teeth clatter against the cut, causing a sharp spike of pain. (Yep, this totally isn't an experience I know something about)

"Yeah, I don't believe you kelp head" Annabeth said, with a small smile, though concern was in her eyes. I was annoyed, I had taken much harder hits, but the cut was painful. Not dangerous or life threatening just painful. 

She gently put her hand on my cheek and brushed my mouth open. It hurt but I just let her do it. She gazed in my mouth before backing away.

"You've cut your mouth, its gonna hurt for a while. Lets take you and Ron to Madam Pomfrey" She said. I looked over at Ron who was looking at me bewildered. He then mumbled something.

"Huh" I asked, pain surged in my mouth.

"Thanks" He said, slightly louder. His face flushed with embarrassment. Annabeth nodded and she stood up, offering me her hand. I took it she hoisted me up. Ron was still covered in bruises and he was beaten down so I offered him my hand. He thought for a couple seconds before sighing and taking it, I hoisted him up and he smiled at me.

"Look, I'm really sorry for being a jerk to you" He apologized. "I've been friends with Harry for years and I just took his side without thinking. I've been an awful person to you and I want to say sorry" 

"Its fine" I said before pain shot into my mouth. I grimaced and put a hand on my jaw. We walked down to Madam Pomfrey, the young Ravenclaw walking with us. When we reached her she saw Ron, battered and bruised and me clutching my jaw.

"Lie down on the bed" She said and we complied. She walked over to Ron and sighed. She took out a potion and handed it to him. He had a small drink, and the bruises healed slightly, still there but not as purple. She then gave him a tissue to get rid of the blood on his nose. She then walked over to me and asked "What's wrong"

"He bit a chunk out of the roof of his mouth" Annabeth said. She nodded.

"Open your mouth" She ordered. I opened my mouth and she gazed at the wound.

"This is going to sting" She said before pouring a potion into a small cup and handing it to me. It was a vibrant purple. I sighed and drank it. The pain was unbearable as it clung to the wound. It covered it and replaced the space. I let out a growl of pain as it finally covered the wound. It still hurt but not as much. I rolled my tongue over it but it felt like all the other parts of my mouth.

"Thanks" I said. She just sighed and turned away, attending to Ron.

"Her bedside manner could have been a little better but I'm not complaining" I said to Annabeth who let out a small giggle.

"Seaweed brain, your an idiot" She said.

"Well, you are Wise Girl" I said. "Whereas I am just a man with a brain made of seaweed"

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now