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It was the final day at Hogwarts. I woke up and glanced to the right. Dale was curled up reading a book.

"Hey Dale" I said, rubbing my eyes. He looked up at me and smiled. He stood up and walked over to me.

"Congratulations" he signed. 

"Thanks" I said. "I can't believe its the last day"

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. He was a lot shorter than me so really he was wrapping his arms around my torso and I just stood there awkwardly patting his head.

"I'm gonna miss you" I said. We broke of the hug.

"Send me lots of owls okay" Dale signed. I nodded. We then walked into the great hall. I sat down and grabbed some food. I talked to Dale and Aaron as I ate the food.

"Students!" Boomed Dumbledore. I looked up at the headmaster, he had healed well and was back to standing up. It was nice to know that he was better again.

"As an end of year treat you may sit at other tables"

The hall was filled with cheers. Annabeth ran over to sit with me. Draco followed him. Ron and Hermione then followed hand in hand. Harry walked over and so did Jemma. We all sat down and the table talking and joking. Ginny walked over and joined the table along with Luna. 

We ate and chatted for an hour talking about the crazy year and overall just having fun. When breakfast ended we all stood up and walked out to the grounds. He walked past Hagrid and talked with him for a while. We then visited the Pegasi. I stroked there muzzle and helped the rest of the group stroke and feed them.

We continued are walk and we got to the lake.

"Oh yeah, have you guys met Larry?" I asked. They all shook there heads in confusion. Annabeth was stifling her laughter. 

"Do you mean the big squid?" Luna said. I nodded. "I like him, he's nice"

I jumped into the water.

"Hey Larry"

"H-h-hi Percy"

"You wanna meet the group"


One of his tentacles lifted me up and he held me above him as he burst through the surface. A few kids screamed. Ron looked terrified. Luna just walked up to him.

"Hi Larry"

"H-h-hey" He said, waving. While the rest didn't understand him they looked shocked at his wave. Luna just smiled. I got the feeling she understood him. After hanging out with Larry we walked through the classrooms talking with other students and saying our goodbyes to teachers. By the time it was lunch we were thick as thieves.

We sat and talked about the events. Me and Harry exchanged stories about Gabe and the Dursley's. By the time it was the afternoon we had run out of conversation topics. Dale played quidditch with Harry, who was impressed with his skill. Dale was an incredible beater.

By the time dinner came around everyone was starting to get soppy and sentimental. We were singing songs and eating as much food as we could. Our voices echoed around the great hall was we sang our hearts out before going to bed one last time in the castle.

The next day we got on the train straight away and filled up the compartment. We chatted aimlessly until we finally reached Kings Cross station. We all walked out of the train to gaze at the families waiting for us. The Weasley's were waiting by my mum and Paul. 

"Well, lets try and keep in contact" I said. 

"I'll send you owls over the summer" Hermione said to Annabeth as she ran of to her parents. Me and Ron shared a hug. I then proceeded to hug every single member of the group before me and Annabeth ran to our parents. We had made it through Hogwarts.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now