Everybody hates me once again (Percy)

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As I walked down the halls I was greeted by evil glares. Odd. As I kept walking to my lesson I saw people see me and bolt. As I went into the next lesson everybody looked at me before paling. 

"Can someone tell me what is going on?" I asked

"As if you don't know death eater scum" A student replied

"Wait, Death eater scum?" I said "Shit, is this about the fact that Moldy shorts is my grandad"

"here" They replied before throwing an article at me

"you know I'm dyslexic right?"

Hermione walked in. She stared at the standoff.

"What is going on" She said.

"oh they just learnt about my family heritage"

"I see"

"Can you read this for me?" I said before tossing at her. She fumbled with it but was able to catch it. 

"Percy Jackson is the grandson of he who must not be named. From a secret source we have learnt the truth of this wizards heritage. We question why he is at Hogwarts as there is a good chance that he is following in his family's footsteps. We ask that he is removed from the school."

"Well that information is bullshit" I said

"Please stop lying" the student said

"I'm not"

The student whipped out there wand and sent a stunning spell at me. I formed the protective charm. The spell bounced of. More students took out there wands.

"Well this got more interesting"

I ran out of the classroom. I couldn't afford anyone getting hit after all. When I was in the empty corridor I turned around. I dodged to the side to avoid a red spell. I weaved around 3 spells before sending a disarming charm at one. His wand was sent soring into the sky.

"Stupefy" A chorus of voices yelled. I rolled under the spells and ran at my opponents. I ran to the side and ran on the side of the wall to get around them. I snatched one of there wands and threw it behind me.

"Stop, this is not going to end well"

"Shut up Death eater!" One of them yelled before sending a green spell at me. I could sense the danger of the spell. I sent a wave of water out of my wand. I used it to catch the spell.

The water was holding in place as the spell fought back.  I eventually forced the spell into the floor. I heard the footsteps as students ran towards us. I few more spells were sent at me. I used the water to hold the spells until they eventually disappeared. I heard gasps. I didnt pay attention. I used the water to grab all of the wands.

I had used my wand to pretend it was all magic so nobody would be suspicious. No-one sorry, Annabeth would be suspicious. A teacher strode up to me.

"Mr Riddle how dare you start a duel in the corridor" McGonagall screeched at me

"That's not what happened" Hermione said. "They attacked him and he led them away so nobody would get hit. He has used no aggressive spells, however one of them shot a killing curse at him."

Everyone stayed silent. 

"I want to see everybody involved at the end of today."

"Can I go to my lesson now" I said irritably

"I do not like that tone Mr Riddle"

"And I do not like being accused of things, we don't always get everything in life" I said as I walked back to my room I yelled one last thing "its Jackson not Riddle"

 I heard utter silence as I strode away.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now