People with sticks attack! (Ron)

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The new guy was weird. I mean like seriously.  He was covered in scars. He basically looked like an improved version of Harry. Maybe some sort of Polyjuice potion.  I hated him from the start. His charade of being kind was sickening and even worse. Almost everyone believed it. Only me, Harry, Sirius and Moody didnt trust him. I don't know about Dumbledore.

But even worse, Ginny and Hermione just stare at him and blush when he talks to them. He is trying to manipulate them already. It was so obvious he was evil, like jeez. Why was nobody seeing this. Dumbledore gave him a room. He leaned towards Dumbledore and whispered something. Dumbledore procced  to nod and whip out his wand. He muttered a charm. Percy thanked him and walked inside.

Percy POV:

I thanked Dumbledore for the noise muffling charm. That was going to be helpful at night. The nightmares had returned and gotten worse. Especially when I wasnt around Annabeth. When I got into my room I made a rainbow and fished out a drachma from my pocket.

"O' Fleecy do me a solid and show me Annabeth" I said as I flipped the coin into the water. The water shimmered and I was greeted by the face of Annabeth. her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was drawing some designs.

"Nice statue, though I feel like Ares has a big enough ego" I said.

Annabeth quickly turned towards me and let out a chuckle.

"Good to see you Seaweed brain."

"You to Wise girl."

I told her what had happened. She nodded before saying. 

"I have to train some newbies so bye for now" She said before wiping her hand through the message. I fell back onto my bed and drifted of to sleep. Big mistake, the nightmare was there waiting for me. 

I was back in the pit. Annabeth was stumbling around calling for me. I tried to rush to her but I realized that my body was destroyed. The curses had been to much. I watched helplessly screaming her name as she wondered closer and closer to the edge. I let out one last scream before she fell. I kept screaming and screaming. Trying to move and get to Annabeth. 

I woke up thrashing around. Shit, I thought to myself. I checked my watch. Tyson had replaced it and had added more panoramic shots to the shield. It was 4 am in British time. I groaned and got up. I got 2 weights and walked down the stairs. I sat down in the dinning room just lifting the weights while thinking. I know the world is going to end. 

I thought about some of my past journeys. I proceeded to take out a book of spells and I studied it intently. I had been gifted a wand and this book this morning by my Dad. The book was in Greek. If anyone tried to question how I got them I would say my mum sent them. It seemed like a good excuse. I started to practice spells like the levitating charm and the water charm. When it came to the water charm, I found it easy. Not much of a surprise really. It also wasnt very hard to clean up due to my talents. 

I held the book in one hand and used the other to lift the weight. I kept switching around my book and weight to make sure both arms had a workout. After 2 hours I started to do sit ups and push ups. I heard some footsteps and the noise of most of the people waking up. People started to come through the house paying no attention to me. Good.

As I kept on going I heard a loud audible gasp. I turned around to Ron and Harry gasping like fish.

"HE HAS THE DARK MARK" They yelled. Suddenly "Moody" and Sirius had started running at me.

"What's the mark?" I asked. Then Moody took out his wand and shot that red spell at me. I ducked and just stared at him unimpressed.

"Can I know what the hell is going on" I said. Sirius sent another red bolt at me. I side stepped.

"I guess not." Then I ran forwards. I was weaving between all the spells the 4 sent at me. The commotion had caused everybody to come in.

"What is going on" Molly yelled.

"He has the dark mark" Ron said gruffly before sending a blue bolt at me.

"What the hell even is that" I once again asked. I slammed my elbow down on Ron's shoulder and he fell backwards. I grabbed his wand and threw it to Molly. "Please tell me what's going on." I once again asked.

"Everyone stop." Lupin said. My attackers growled in protest but stopped. "Percy the dark mark is a tattoo that all death eaters have."

"Okay, and how does this effect me."

"They believe you have it, may you show me your wrists." Lupin said. I showed him my SPQR tattoo. He held up my arm. "This is not the dark mark you fools" He yelled. He let go of my arm and patted me on the back.

"But he" Harry started.

"Is not a death eater" Molly finished.

After an hour everyone had settled down. I was being congratulated for holding of four highly dangerous wizards without a wand. I didnt like the praise and eventually slinked back to my room. I talked to Annabeth before hearing a call from downstairs

"Whose wand and book is this" Hermione yelled. I rushed down the stairs 

"Mine sorry" I replied sheepishly before taking them.

"I thought you had never been in the wizarding world."

"My mum sent me them, said they might be useful."

"Okay" she looked skeptical. Molly then walked up to us.

"Its time to take you to Diagon Ally."

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