Paired up with the god of sass (Harry)

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I was truly angry, their was no way Percy wasn't evil, he had literally just been with the death eaters. And come back unscathed. Though he does seem to have a different kind of aura around him now. But that proves my point. He has become a death eater, if he wasn't one before.

When I walked into my Defense against the dark arts class my eyes locked onto his slouched form. His head was resting on his desk, his arms covering his face. His messy hair was the only feature on his head that wasn't covered. I glared at him and sat down in my seat, not taking my eyes of him. He was to unpredictable to not watch at all times.

As Sirius taught the class I listened half heartedly, never taking my eyes of the scum. Every movement he did made me reach for my wand. 

"And you will be working in pairs for this homework, I want you to list as many creatures as you can, and give an adequate description of them." Sirius said. "Dumbledore gave me the list of students to be paired together. 

"Neville with Draco" Sirius said before naming the rest of the pairs. 

"Percy with Harry" He said. I was filled with shock. I was with the death eater. I looked at him and he had a puzzled expression on his face before shrugging his shoulders and leaning back in his chair. I couldn't tell what he thought of this pairing, maybe he saw it as an opportunity to kill me, well he was no where near my level.

He was just a show off, all bark no bite. I could take him, so if he tried then that would be the end of Percy Jackson. After all of the lessons Percy walked up to me.

"So I guess we are working together" He said, his voice laced with boredom. I looked into his sea green eyes and glared at him.

"A warning, death eater, try anything and I will kill you" I said.

"You do that" Percy said. I felt my rage build up, Something seemed to be moving around in my stomach. I ignored it however. We walked into the library and took out some paper and quills. Percy just looked at the feather and sighed before taking out his his pen. He took of the lid and it turned into his sword. I took out my wand quickly but he just put the cap on the bottom of the sword and it turned back into a pen, but with the nib exposed.

"So we write down as many creatures as we can think of then afterwards we go into detail about them" Percy said. I just looked at him shocked.

"What Annabeth rubs of on me" He said. I growled and started to note down as many creatures as I could, starting with Grindylows. After about half an hour we had noted down all of the creatures we knew. I kept an eye on the death eater scum, making sure he didn't try anything. He also added more creatures then me, the small annoyance caused my chest to explode with anger, the movement in my chest happening again. 

As we wrote them down we both ignored each other, I sent glares at the scum once in a while. When we were finished, about 3 hours later we both stood up. I grabbed the work and walked away from Percy.


When Harry walked away I almost laughed. He had his nose pointed up and looked like an idiot. I laughed silently as I walked away. It had been a bearable experience. We had just ignored each other, all of the glares e had sent at me had just made me wonder what made him like this. I heard that he used to be modest and kind, guess something changed.

When I reached the Grand hall for dinner I saw sat down at the Hufflepuff table. I heard the rustle of clothing and I looked over to see Annabeth sitting next to me. I smiled when I saw her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Hey Wise Girl" I said.

"Seaweed brain, I'm not a head rest" She said with a small laugh.

"Yeah but your my girlfriend so..." I mumbled.

"Get your head of my shoulder" She commanded. I sighed and moved my head away slowly. Only for her to lean against me.

"That's not fair" I groaned. She just let out an angelic laugh.

"I have girlfriend privilege's"

"Don't I get boyfriend privilege's"

"Your privilege is me leaning against you, Seaweed Brain" Annabeth said. I let out a laugh.

"I want to change the contract" I said. She smirked.

"That's not allowed, after all I said I wouldn't make things easy for you" She said, kissing me. We broke apart to a loud ahem.

"Miss Chase, you may not sit at other tables" McGonagall said. "10 points from Slytherin and sit down at your table. Annabeth sighed. She kissed me on the cheek before walking back to her seat.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now