The truth comes out (Percy)

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It took an hour for the wizards to arrive. Dumbledore, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Moody, Snape and McGonagall arrived. When they arrived they had their wands raised but were greeted by the sight of me. I was sat down twiddling my pen in-between my fingers, they unconscious bodies of the death eaters laid out in front of me. I did this so if they woke up I could knock them out again. In a puddle I saw my reflection. I had a smudge of blood on my cheek and my clothes were slightly torn. My hair was messier then usual.

"What happened?" Lupin asked, his wand still raised.

"They were weaker then I thought, especially Tom. Can't say I'm proud of my grandfather." I replied boredly.

"Voldemort was here?" McGonagall asked. I nodded.

"He wont be coming back" I replied.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" Moody yelled, getting annoyed of my lack of energy.

"Dumbledore, can I talk to you privately?" I asked, ignoring the rest.

"Of course" He replied cautiously. Before the rest could object I tossed them my wand.  We walked away for a while before Dumbledore casted a muffling charm, making the conversation private.

"I think you know that there is more to me then being Toms grandson" I said. Dumbledore nodded. "Well, how do I put this, you know the Greek gods"

"Yes" Dumbledore replied.

"They are real" I said. "And they have kids, demigods."

"Naturally" Dumbledore said. While I could see he was in shock it was obvious he believed me, which I didn't understand. "And that would make you a son of Poseidon" 

"H-how did you know" I asked.

"The influence over water, so Demigods, I'm guessing that your powerful, now can you tell me what happened to the death eaters for now, then we will talk later so you can explain the rest"

I nodded and told him what had happened, while explaining Tartarus I almost had a panic attack.

After I was finished explaining Dumbledore's eyes were filled with a small amount of respect, fear and pride. It was obvious he understood that I was a threat but he seemed to respect that I wasn't going to attack him or anyone else in the same way.

"Well, lets head back to the others" Dumbledore said. We turned around and walked back to the group of Wizards.

"What happened" Moody asked.

"The nature of the fight will remain a secret between me and Mr Jackson, but yes Voldemort is truly gone, he cannot return from this" Dumbledore said. 

"How do you know the boy is not lying." Snape said. "I have vetisirum on me, let me give it to him"

"Severus no" Dumbledore said.

"Severus do it, we have no idea what this boy is capable of or what he did to Dumbledore." Moody ordered. Before I had a chance to react they all lunged at me, spells flying towards me.  I ducked underneath them but the fight with the death eaters had worn me out, especially Tom. The trip to Tartarus had taken a lot out of me.

I hit the floor and they held me down. They did it long enough to force me to swallow the potion.

"Did you fight Voldemort?" Snape asked.


"Did you win?" 


"Are you on his side"

"You got to be more specific" I said with a grin, I was still answering truthfully, I didn't know who he was talking about.

"Voldemort's!" Moody yelled.

"Nope, I'm not"

"Are you evil?" Sirius asked.

"Depends whose point of view, I could name a few people that think of me as evil, but a lot of others who see me as good" I replied.

"Is Dumbledore under a spell?" 

"Not that I know of"

" What did you talk about?"

"my origins and the fight"

"What happened in the fight"

"I beat them" I said, I started to feel the spell wear of, being a son of Poseidon was useful. 

"More specific"

"I beat the death eaters first then killed my grandpops" I said. By now the spell had worn of. "Also, the truth shit is done, its worn off"

"That's not possible" Snape said. I smirked.

"My young Padawan, you have no idea what's possible" I said before standing up, shaking of the Wizards. "Now can we head back."

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