Journey (Percy)

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We waked down to the Hogwarts express. My hand was wrapped around Annabeth's as we walked down. When we reached the train we waved goodbye to Hagrid and stepped in. As we walked down the ails we found an empty compartment and we sat in it. We were then greeted by Dale, Draco, Jemma and Aaron.

"Hi Percy, who is that?" Draco asked

"This is Annabeth, she is gonna be in your house after Christmas" I told him.

"Glad to have you in the house" 

"Glad to be in it"

They shook hands and then both sat down. There was no more spaces left in the compartment. Hermione opened the door but saw that there were no more spaces. 

"I guess I will go" She said.

"No don't" I said, placing Annabeth on my lap.

"Thanks" Hermione said before taking the now empty seat. I gazed out of the window, the green trees flashed by. 

"So your the Hogwarts champion, I hope you win" Draco said.

"Thanks Drakes" 

As the journey continued we talked about random things, such as the challenges. 

"Percy you were incredible!" Jemma said. She was sitting next to Dale and leaning against him. Dale was flustered by this and just stared at her.

"Thanks" I said. "But the others did really good to"

"Why are you so modest?" Dale signed.

"Why don't you kiss Jemma? Exactly I can have secrets" I said. Dale and Jemma blushed furiously.

"Lets play truth or dare" Hermione said.

"Sure" Annabeth said.

"I'll start, Percy truth or dare?" Aaron said.


"I dare you to, I dare you to take of your shirt for a minute" he said after some time.

"Sure" I said before removing it. Everyone stared at me. There eyes were fixed on the scars that covered my body. Annabeth was staring at my eight pack along with Jemma. Jemma and Annabeth were blushing furiously.

"Gods it doesn't change no matter how many times I have seen you shirtless" Annabeth said.

"Thanks Wise Girl" I said before kissing her on the cheek. "Ok Jemma, truth or dare"


"Who do you have a crush on" I asked. She blushed again.

"D-D-Dale" She said. Dale looked shocked. "Draco, truth or dare"


"I dare you to run down the aisle yelling I am a Gryffindor" She said.

"Do I have to" He asked.

"YES" We all yelled, other then Dale who signed. Draco sighed before standing up and running down the halls. We heard his screams before he ran back in the room.

"Percy truth or dare?" He asked


"Who would you date if you couldn't be with Annabeth"

"Nobody" I said before me and Annabeth chuckled. Everyone else looked at us in confusion. "Its an inside joke"

"Ok" They all replied.

"Ok Dale, truth or dare?"

"Dare" He signed.

"I dare you to kiss Jemma, on the lips" I then stood up behind him. He leaned forwards and kissed her. When they tried to brake apart I held their heads together. They kissed again and I let them brake apart.

"Percy!" Jemma yelled.

"What" I asked

"I am going to kill you"

"Annabeth save me" I said in mock fear

"Save yourself" She said before taking out a book and reading it.

"Well shit" I said before I felt a blow to my stomach. It was a strong punch but it didnt hurt me. I pretended it did though, in a convincing way. Jemma smirked before sitting next to Dale. She then kissed him. 

"JALE!" I screamed

"Percy stop acting like Piper" Annabeth said without looking up from her book.

"Sorry Princess" I said with a smirk before sitting behind her and slipping my hands around her waist. I leaned forwards and kissed her cheek. I then kissed behind her ear which made her shiver.

"Percy stop" She warned. I didnt listen as I kissed behind her ear again. I then kept doing it as I tightened my grip on her waist.

"I love you" I whispered into her ear.

"Me too" She said.

"can you guys stop being a dream couple for like a second and accept that there are innocent children here" Hermione said.

"Nah" I replied before spinning Annabeth around and starting a make out session.


When they started to make out we all looked away. We all started a conversation and I talked to Draco. He told me about why he acted the way he did and I forgave him. Dale and Jemma just sat together, it was obvious they liked each other they were both just to chicken to ask each other out.

It was a stark comparison to Percy and Annabeth. Those 2 were just perfect for each other, they balanced each other out perfectly. I wondered how they got together. Well I guess I will ask them later.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now