The challenge (Harry)

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Everyone hates him. Nobody likes him. (You got that right Nobody likes him) It is all working. I heard about the fight, shame he wasnt expelled but that can happen later. All I need to do is get him to attack me.

As I walked into defense against the dark arts I was greeted by a new sight. Moody was in front of the class.

"Ok class, you shall be dueling, pick an opponent" He boomed. I strode over to Percy

"Lets be opponents" I said with fake cheeriness. His face was filled with suspicion. I couldn't wait to beat him.

We both strode away from each other.

"3 2 1 begin" Moody yelled.

"Stupefy" I yelled. He held out his wand and preformed the shield charm.

"Stupefy, stupefy, STUPEFY" I yelled sending volley's of spells at him. He deflected 2 and dodged the final one.

"Expelliarmus" I said. His wand flew out of his hand. He grabbed it out of the air and then sent a spell at me. It hit me in the chest and I was sent flying. I hit the ground with a thud and saw blood on my hand. I stood up. I was slightly dizzy.

"Sectumsempra" I croaked. He ducked and it hit the student behind him. Blood poured out of them. They collapsed and wheezed. It was Ginny!

"No" He yelled before picking her up. He waved his wand and water exploded out of it. He used the water to fill her wounds and pick her up. He used the water to take her to the medical wing. He glared at me and I trembled.

"Potter OUT NOW" Moody yelled. I ran out, this was all Percy's fault. Why didnt he just get hit.


When I laid her down in the medical wing Snape rushed in. He preformed a spell and her wounds healed. Then the nurse started to care for her.

"What happened" Snape asked me

I recounted the tale to him. His face turned red and I could see his veins bulge.

"180 points from Gryffindor" He yelled "50 to Hufflepuff" 



I sat up in the medical bay. Percy was sat on a chair. Drool pouring out of his mouth as he snored. God he was so handsome.

"Percy" I said.

"Whatsshappeningisanyonehurt" He slurred as he sat up

"Im fine" I said.

"Huh, oh yeah" He said. He gave me his signature smile. I blushed furiously. I smiled back. "You sure you are alright" 

"I'm fine" I said. I think he likes me, I really do. After an hour I was sent back to my common room. When I stared out the window I saw an obstacle course being built. It was hidden in the woods. The challenge was an obstacle course! I closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

When I woke up I got changed as quickly as possible. I wore a woolly sweater and jeans. It was a Saturday. I ran down to the hall and saw Percy. I beckoned him over.

"I know what the challenge is" I said. He looked confused

"I don't want to know what it is, its meant to be a surprise." He said.

"But it will help you win."

"I don't care, bye Gin" He said. As we walked back to the table I saw a young boy move his hands around. Percy talked to him.

Percy POV:

I walked back to Dale

"What was that about" He signed

"She knew what the first challenge was but I didnt let her tell me."

"You idiot" Aaron said.

"Love you too" I said. He stuck his tongue out as I walked away to the lake. I gazed at the beautiful grounds. The lake stood out. I took of my shirt and dived in.

"Hi Larry"


"So what happened since I was gone"

"A-a-a-a clown-clo-clownfish had a fight with a c-c-c-cat-catfish"

"Who won Larry?"

"N-n-neither a-a-a sh-shar-shark came along and th-they swam away"

I let out a laugh. We continued to talk. I Iris messaged under water.

"Hi Percy" She said. She was wearing one of my hoodies and I couldn't see what she was wearing on her legs underneath my hoodie. It was extremely big on her.

"Hi Wise Girl"

"So how was your day"

"Pretty ok" I said before telling her what happened.

"I see"

"Hey Larry get over here" I yelled.

"Who is Larry?" She said

"The Giant squid"

"Of course, hi Larry" She said. Larry waved one of his tentacles

"H-h-hi Annabeth" He said.

"He said Hi Annabeth" I translated.

"Has he done anything stupid" She asked. They had an entire conversation about my idiotic moments. And I was forced to translate it. The cruelty of it!

"Can we stop pick on Percy day" I asked

"Nope" They said in unison.

"He said nope at the same time you did" I told Annabeth. Her angelic laugh rang throughout the lake.

"I have got to go its turning late "I said.

"Bye Seaweed brain, Love you"

"Love you too Wise girl" Her hand swiped through the message.

"Bye Larry"

"B-bye" He said before recoiling back into the depths. I swam upwards and shot out of the lake. I pulled on my shirt and stared at the lake. The colours of the sun reflected into it making it glow golden. I ran up to the castle. The challenge was in 2 days.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now