Harry gets what he deserves (Annabeth)

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I was walking down the halls with Percy, our hands intertwined. Stares latched onto us as we walked towards the great hall. I gave him a quick kiss before walking to the Slytherin table. I took a seat next to Draco and but some bacon on my plate. As I hate I talked to Draco.

"What lesson do you have next?" I asked.

"Potions" He replied.

"I have transfiguration" I replied. He nodded. As we talked I glanced over at Percy. Harry was arguing with him, as they argued I saw Harry slip something into Percy's drink. And Percy drank it before I could speak up.

I dashed over to Percy. His face was turning pale. When I reached him he fell backwards. I grabbed his face.

"Percy, can you hear me" I asked. He nodded slightly. I took out some ambrosia and put it in his mouth. He chewed it and swallowed, his face returning to normal quickly. When he recovered he stood up and glared at Harry.

"So poisoning me, that's a crime right?" Percy said, his fists clenched. Harry tried to speak but Percy's fist caught him on the cheek. As he fell Percy grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground. Harry let out a muffled scream. He pulled out his wand.

"Reducto!" He screamed. Percy was sent flying backwards but landed in a crouch position. Everyone ran away from them, watching from the walls of the room. Percy pulled out his wand.

"Stupefy!" Harry yelled, sending the red spell at Percy. 

"Protego!" Percy yelled. The spell bounced of the shield. Harry sent 2 more quick spells. Percy pulled out riptide and put it in his right hand, his wand in his left. 

"Impendita!" Percy yelled as he ran towards Harry. Harry dived out of the way but this caused him to be unable to stop Percy from reaching him. Percy swiped Harry's legs out form under him. When Harry hit the ground Riptide was pushed to his throat.

"Yield" Percy said, his voice dangerous, his eyes taken over with anger. It was obvious however that Percy was holding back. If I was going to be honest Percy always held back. The only times I had ever seen him go all out was in Tartarus and against Hyperion. Harry was shaking in fear. Before he could say anything one of the walls exploded. Through the wall came mask wearing wizards in dark robes. They sent an onslaught of green spells at us.

"Death Eaters" the student next to me whispered. 

I rolled behind a piece of rubble and beckoned other students over. Everyone ran to cover, I saw 7 get hit by the spells, instantly falling over, dead. Suddenly the spells stopped. I glanced over to see the death eaters pointing their wands at Percy.

"The Dark Lords successor!" One of them yelled. Percy looked mad.

"I am not, just because we are related doesn't make me his successor" Percy yelled back. This caused a red spell to be sent at him. He deflected it of his sword with an annoyed look. Then the death eaters turned their wands towards Harry. They sent a wave of red and green spells at him. Percy leaped in the way, deflecting as many spells as possible, however a red one caught him in the chest and he hit the floor motionless. He wasn't dead. You could see his chest rise and fall. The death eaters rushed towards him. I tried to reach Percy but they Apparated away with him.

"No!" I screamed, tears threatening to spell, I had just gotten him back, I was not going to lose him again. The teachers all rushed in. Many of them had shock displayed on their faces.


Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now