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I walked down the halls, receiving stares. I was no longer used to it so it was unnerving. When I reached transfiguration and walked in I looked at McGonagall.  When she saw me her face twisted into a disapproving gaze. I sighed and sat down in my seat. On the other side of the classroom was Annabeth. Luckily as it was a Hufflepuff/Slytherin lesson, Harry wasn't here. that was a slight improvement to my day.

"Today we will learn about animagi. It is incredibly difficult to be an animagi. Do not expect to be able to become one" She told us "Now, what is an animagi?" 

I stayed still, a harsh difference to Annabeth who raised her hand. McGonagall glared at me.

"Riddle?" She asked. I didnt respond.

"RIDDLE" She yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Its Jackson" I replied. She growled.

"Jackson, what is an animagi" She asked, her voice was laced with spite.

"Aren't you the teacher, you should be telling me" I replied. She opened her mouth ready to yell at me but I cut her off "And before you yell at me, you asked me when I didnt raise my hand, that means I don't know the answer"

"GET OUT!" She screamed. I smiled and stood up. I looked at Annabeth. She mouthed idiot. I gave her a 2 fingered salute and I walked out of the class. I walked up to the Hufflepuff common room. I sat down in the main room and looked at the fire. The flames flickered and gave me comfort. After some time I heard a loud clang. I stood up abruptly and took out riptide, in pen form. I cautiously walked through the hallway until I found the source of the noise. I opened a passageway to see a kitchen. In it were a ton of these odd creatures. They were all wearing filthy rags. (I AM SO SAD, I FORGOT DOBBY WAS DEAD AND WAS GOING TO HAVE HIM BE HERE)

"Hello young master" One of them said. It seemed to be a male, but he had a high pitched voice. "Would you like to eat something" He asked, offering me a pie.

"What are you?" I asked.

"We's is house elves. We make the food" He replied. I decided to take a slice of pie. I ate it quickly.

"So" I gulped down the food. "Are you paid?"

All of the elves shrieked at the idea. "No, we are not to be payed, we is house elves, we work for the master" He confided. I was annoyed at this. They were slaves. I thought Hogwarts couldn't get worse then the house prejudice. 

I growled slightly. I waved goodbye to the elves and walked back to the common room. When I reached the room I checked the time. The lessons would end in ten minutes. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to my next lesson, might as well be there early. I stood in front of defense against the dark arts. I paced up and down the halls until people started to surge into the halls. I walked into DADA and sat down. After a minute the Gryffindor's and Hufflepuff's surged in along with professor Black and Lupin. 

"Ok class today we are going to be learning about physical strength" Professor Black said. Harry along with the rest of the class looked confused.

"You can dodge spells faster than blocking them, that is why we will be training your physical bodies for the next few lessons." Lupin confided. I smiled widely at this, I could excel, finally. Most of the wizards in the school were thin. They didnt have much muscle and weren't the most physical. Some of the quidditch players were bulky but a vast majority of the school were sticks.

"Today we will teach you to fight, sparing may be needed if you are disarmed." Black announced. I rubbed my hands together. They set us up against partners. I was against a burly Gryffindor named Langham. We both took of our robes and ties. He held up his fists. I just copied the action, faking concern on my face. 

He smirked and swung his fist at my head. I stepped to the side and grabbed his wrist. I dug my foot in the ground and pulled him into my shoulder. He flipped over me and hit the floor. He let out a gasp. 

I turned around to see everybody gaping at me.

"What?" I asked. They all turned away quickly. after a couple of moments Ron had beaten his opponent, a stick thin boy. He was motioned over to me and his face paled. I almost laughed. 

He walked over to me and we both raised our fists. I punched him in the chest. I ducked down and swiped out his feet with my leg. As he fell backwards I stood up and grasped his head, shoving him into the ground. His head hit the ground with a thud and his eyes rolled into then back of his head. We were on mats but it would still hurt.

"YOU BASTARD!" Harry yelled and took out his wand. "STUPEFY!"

The red beam shot at me, I rolled to the side and pulled out my wand.

"Expeliarmus" I yelled. His wand was sent soaring across the room. The class was filled with silence. Lupin picked up Ron and walked towards the medical wing. Black stood in between me and Harry. His glare was trained on me. Everyone else was still silent, shocked by the events that had just transpired.

"Class dismissed, also the second trial will take place in a week" Black announced. I walked out of the rooms, thinking about what the challenge might be.  


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