I don't think teachers like me (Percy)

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I headed to class. The hallways were a maze to navigate. As I stumbled around I eventually got to my charms lesson. The teacher looked at me with weariness. I had seen the look already.

"Sorry for being late, I got lost."

"don't worry" His voice was squeaky. He was super short. I sat down next to a Ravenclaw girl. She looked at me and her cheeks flushed red. As we took notes we started to practice spells. I was close to the top somehow. He looked at me suspiciously but carried on with the lesson. I had care of magical creatures. I went to the lesson where I was greeted by a giant of a man. He had long black messy hair and a large beard to boot. His eyes were like beetles. However they shone with kindness.

"Today we will be learnin' abou' Pegasi"

The class let out a gasp as the horses strode towards us.

"Now they can be dangerous, be careful."

Everyone took a step back. I was in a class with the Gryffindor's. 

"Who wants to come out firs'" Hagrid asked. I stepped forwards.

"My lord" They said before bowing. They all were brown with long wings. Everyone stared at them. I held out my hand and stroked its head.

"My lord may I ask a favor" It asked. I leant down so only it could hear me.

"Don't call me lord and sure" I mumbled. The horse nodded

"May I have an apple?"  He asked.

"Hey can I have an apple?" I shouted. Everyone stared at me and I rolled my eyes before running and grabbing one. I threw it at the horse who caught it in its mouth.

"How did you do that?" Hagrid asked. His face was filled with confusion.

"I'm good with horses"

"Yeah bu' they bow'd" He said. I shrugged. The class stared at me. 

"So are we gonna ride them?" I asked.

"I was waiting to do that next lesson bu' go ahead" Hagrid said.

I mounted the horse and it kicked of. I felt like I was back at home. As we soared through the sky I urged my steed to speed up. We flew upwards almost vertically. Then we stopped and fell. Just before we hit the ground my steed extended his wings. we glided above the heads of the students. 

"Lets do something stupid." I said.

"Sure Lord"

I jumped of the horse and landed on a tree. I traversed over the tree tops. Then I jumped of the highest tree and landed on my horse. We landed and I was praised. Hagrid asked me to stay behind. Harry looked furious. He ran towards the horses and tried to mount one. 

The issue with them was that they were wild. So his steed panicked and flew. Harry was dangling of the edge, about to fall of.

"Shit, CALM DOWN" I yelled. The horse started to come back to his senses but Harry fell of. I held my wand and pointed it at the water. I pretended to do magic and got the water to grab him and catch him. When he came back to shore he shot me an evil glare. Everyone stared at me.

"Class dismissed" Hagrid yelled. I stayed behind.

"So what did you want to talk about" I asked.

"How did you do that"

"Do what?"

"ride the horse, I have never seen a beginner have that much skill."

"Instinct?" I said.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now