I piss of my teachers even more (Percy)

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When I went to the office I was greeted by glares. McGonagall. The students. The only kind face was Hermione and Ginny. When I smiled back Ginny's cheeks flushed red while Hermione returned the smile.

"Now I want your side of the story Riddle" She spat in disgust. 

"Its Jackson and sure." I responded. As I told her the story she seemed to get even more mad. She then took our wands and preformed a spell to see what had been cast. When she saw who had shot the killing curse she glared at him.

"Detention" She spat, she then glared at me "And I have no proof you did not do this spell, after all you held the wand when I was there."

"And its Mrs. Dodd's all over again" I muttered

"What was that!" She snarled

"I was just comparing this to a similar experience where a teacher hated me for no reason and then tried to make my life a living hell" I said. "Now I want to go to bed, so as I'm guessing I have detention tomorrow"

"Yes" She replied

"Better make that tomorrow and the day after" I said before sticking up my middle fingers as I strode out. Her face looked like a fish. I smirked as I headed down the halls. I was greeted by the familiar faces of hatred and fear. I rolled my eyes, these people needed a lesson on how to glare at people.

As I got to the Hufflepuff common room people scrambled away from me. They fell of chairs and tripped over each other. I sighed. When I looked back at the room I saw Dale.

"Hi" I said cautiously

"Hi" He signed

"So why are you not running"

"You're a nice person, just cause you have a bad family doesn't mean I should hate you

"Glad to know one person is on my side" I put my arm on his head as we walked to the dorms. "Thanks"

He nodded as we walked in. Derick's eyes were filled with fear. When he saw me he fell back. Aaron glared at me.

"Get away from him Dale, he is evil!" He shouted

"No, he was always nice, it is his grandfather that's bad, not him" Dale signed

"Get away from him now" He snarled at me. I lifted up my hands in surrender before plopping onto my bed.

"If I was evil I would have been horrible to you guys, I'm not smart enough to befriend my enemies. I understand why you hate me, I just want to say his actions don't define me. Take Professor Black for example, he came from an evil family yet he is a nice guy" I told him. I saw the worry in Aarons' eyes fade.

"Sorry" he mumbled

"Don't mention it, it was bound to happen right" I said "It just shows how much you care about him"

When everyone fell asleep I Iris messaged Annabeth. She showed up on screen. There was a man with brown hair. He looked like a Hermes camper

"I know your boyfriend is fake" He snarled. He tried to grab her hand but she pushed it away

"Fuck off Darren, He is real" She growled

"Get the fuck away from my Girlfriend!" I shouted. He turned and looked at the Iris message. When he saw m face he paled and ran away.

"Thanks Perce"

"Don't mention it" I said. I looked around at her location. She was at camp underneath on of the trees in the woods. She had a blue notebook with detailed drawings on them, her hair was in a messy ponytail with one strand of hair going down to her cheek.

"So what happened"

"Everyone knows about evil grandad number 2"

As we talked I felt at peace, I was talking to Wise Girl. When she started to talk about architecture I just stared at her. I remembered how oblivious I was to her liking me. I remembered every adventure. 

"Percy are you even listening" A voice cut through my thoughts

"nope  just wondering how on earth I deserve you" I said. She blushed profusely

"Percy, I am the lucky one" She said through her hands

We continued to talk. I felt the light hit my face from the window

"I got to go Wise Girl" I said

"Just go Perce, see you soon hopefully" She said before wiping her hand through the mist.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now