Magic surprise (Annabeth)

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Percy pulled me through the crowds of people. His hair was a mess as usual and his sea green eyes were filled with a childlike happiness. I saw the glares of jealous girls. When I glared back they stumbled backwards in fear.

"Aaron!" Percy yelled. A tall boy was stood by the punch. He was tanned and had dark brown hair that looked like dark chocolate. He had kind brown eyes. He looked about 14.

"Hey Perce and whoa" He said. He stopped when he saw me.

"This is my girlfriend Annabeth" Percy said. He had a arm wrapped around my waist. I was leaning against him.

"How long have you been dating?" He asked. You could tell he wasnt jealous by his tone. All of my worry disappeared.

"2 years but we have known each other since we were 12" I said. 

"No wonder you turned down every girl in the school." He said. I felt my cheeks flush. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks seaweed brain" I said as I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his forehead. i punched him. "And that is for being taller then me."

He pretended to be wounded. He then let out a laugh as he pulled me into a hug. He leant down and kissed my neck. He looked up at my face and smirked.

"Jackson don't you dare" I said. He started to suck my neck. After he stopped he left a hickey behind.

"What I cant let some boy try to take you can I" He said jokingly

"Ok I can feel some serious sexual energy so bye" Aaron said walking of. Percy rolled his eyes and the kissed me, on the lips this time. He grabbed my hand as we walked down and sat on a bench. His wand fell out of his pocket and I grabbed it. It let out a bang and the chair fell over.

Dumbledore stared at me in shock before beckoning me over. I gave Percy back his wand.

"It seems you are a witch Miss Chase" He said. Percy's eyes lit up.

"Does this mean she will go to Hogwarts" He asked

"Yes, yes it does. You 2 and Hagrid will go to Diagon Ally tomorrow to get your stuff."

"Ok where will I stay in the mean time" I asked

"I will think about it" The headmaster said.

"She can stay with me" Percy blurted out, Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "We lived together anyways before this whole ordeal."

"I see, just this once" He said. As he walked away Percy enveloped me in a hug and lifted me up with it. I kissed him and he set me down, melting into the kiss. We continued to dance throughout the rest of the night. Percy gave 3 guys broken noses. They had asked me out and not left when I rejected them.

When we walked back to the Hufflepuff dorms I was given a few stares. I shrugged as I followed Percy into his room.

"I just gotta to go the toilet." He said.

"bye" I said as he sprinted of. A new kid walked in. He had blonde hair and he was very pale. His eyes were filled with lust. Shit.

"Hey there babe"

"Number one, don't call me babe my name is Annabeth, 2 I have a boyfriend, 3 I am 17 you are 14, 4 I do not find you attractive, 5 I barely no you so never call me that"

"Stop playing hard to get babe" He said as he walked towards me.

"Back the fuck up unless you want a concussion."

He tried to grab me but I took his wrist and twisted it. He let out a yelp of pain.

"Why you little bitch" He spat before taking out is wand. "Impendita!" 

I knew the spell as I helped teach Percy. I ducked and sprinted at him. When I reached him I grabbed his wand and threw it aside. I then kicked his knee and he fell onto the floor, clutching it in pain. 

Percy walked in to see the scene of a 14 year old cradling his knee, tears streaming down his face while his girlfriend was stood there looking angry

"Hey Annie, let me guess he tried to make a move on you" He said. I nodded. He let out a laugh and pulled me into a hug. He kissed me on the forehead as we layed down on his bed talking. He was playing with my hair as he listened.


I kinda wanted to kill Derick but thought against it. An idea shot into my head.

"So he was being a dickhead to you, babe" I said. Her eyebrows crunched up and she looked at me in anger. She looked cute when she was slightly annoyed.

"What have I said about that nickname" She said in fake anger, while she did hate it she wasnt very angry.

"You look cute whenever I say it, sorry babe" I said. She punched me in the ribs before burring her head in the crook of my neck. I relaxed as she drifted of to sleep on my chest. I could feel her breathing. I started to play with her hair and before long I was asleep also.

When we woke up we walked to the great hall were we were greeted by Hagrid. We used floo powder and appeared in Diagon Ally. Annabeth stared at the street before rapidly talking about the architecture. I smiled and grabbed her hand. As we walked down the street being things we talked about the houses. I thought she would be Slytherin.

"Can I know why?" She asked

"Well your cunning,  ambitious, resourceful and your a leader" I said.

"Ok maybe I will, but what about Ravenclaw?" she asked

"I don't know, just a feeling" I said. Hagrid looked at me weird when I stated all of the good things about Slytherin, I guess he was prejudice. When we walked into the wand shop we were greeted by Olivander

"Percy What are you doing here" He asked. He was looking at Annabeth and me.

"Annabeth needs a wand"

"I see, curious at this age, anyway try... this" He said before giving her wand. "12 inches, oak unicorn hair"

She waved the wand and the vase shattered. She looked at him nervously but he snatched the wand away from her and appeared with a new one. After a whole hour he came back with a different wand.

"This may work, maybe" He said before giving her the wand. She waved it and I could smell books. Her hair was lifting up due to the wind coming from the wand.

"Curious" He said.

"Why?" She asked. 

"I was experimenting with new cores, that is 10 inches, pine and owl feather"

"Thats fitting" I said with a smirk. 

"Shut up Perce" She said punching me in the arm. I leaned towards her and kissed her before asking "How much"

"10 galleons" He said. I fished out the coins

"Percy I will pay for my own wand"

"Then what kind of Boyfriend would I be"

"Per-" I lifted her up dropping of the money. I took her wand as I put her down on the street.

"Thanks Percy" She said before kissing me.

"No problem" I said with a stupid smile. She smiled and we walked to Hagrid.

"Ye ready t' 'ead ba'k" He asked

"Yep" Annabeth said. We used the floo powder and got back to Hogwarts.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now