I run through a wall (Percy)

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Most of this story will be from Percy's POV.

"not happening" I said

"But it is the only way to-" Molly tried

"I am not going to run into a wall." I interrupted

"Please we need to board the train, I'll go first" Ginny said. She ran at the wall and I winced. But she passed straight through.

"Fine" I said before running into the wall. I came out in a large train station. there was an old fashion train there. I couldn't read the writing on the front. I said my goodbyes and headed onto the train. I walked down the aisle. Girls kept getting red faces whenever they saw me. Why are girls weird, I thought. When I found an empty compartment I sat down.

After a few minutes a small boy came walking in. He looked 14 at least but was short. He had light brown hair and brown eyes speckled with yellow. He wore rectangular glasses. His skin was very pale and he had a nervousness in his eyes.

"Hi" I said. He stayed silent and motioned to the seat. I nodded and he sat down. A girl followed him in. She was taller then him but looked to be the same age. She had a dark skin complexion and curly black hair. Her eyes were blue. She looked confident. 

"Hi im Jemma" She said. 

"Percy" I said.

"And that is Dale, he is mute" She told me.

"Ahh I see" I responded.

"You look way to old to be a first year, but I have never seen you here."

"I'm a transfer student from America." I said.

"Explains the accent, she shrugged.

I saw a familiar face walk by

"Hey Drake, come join us" I said. he turned around and looked at the room. The 2 younger students looked at him, there eyes filled with fright.

"I don't know-" He started.

"I am not taking no for an answer" I cut him of. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down. He sat opposite me.

"Drakes this is Jemma and Dale" I said.

"Hi" He mumbled "I'm sorry if I ever did anything to offend you, I'm trying to change"

"Ok" said Jemma, but she still looked suspicious. Dale gave him a kind smile. His eyes were filled with kindness.

"Ahh, he is the mute one" Draco said. He returned the smile to the boy. As we continued to talk the trolley woman stopped by. I gave her some coins and we had an enormous haul. I made sure nobody else had to pay. Even though they all offered me money. We had some fun with Bertie Botts every flavor beans.

I got, Bubblegum, water, blueberries and blue cheese. They were all good apart from blue cheese.

"Why do you like blue so much?" Jemma translated for Dale. She knew sign language as her mother was deaf.

"Cause its a tradition with my mum."

Dale's mouth opened and he mouthed oh. as we kept playing dale got Pepper, Salt and vinegar. We laughed at his bad luck, only for me to get soap. As we finished them of we all started to put on robes. I complained about them but eventually put them on. I found out about the houses.

Ravenclaw was the one for the smart and intelligent. Hufflepuff was for the loyal and kind, Gryffindor was the brave and Slytherin were the ambitious and cunning. Apparently their was a lot of hate for Slytherin has a lot of bad people had been in Slytherin. 

Jemma was a Ravenclaw, Dale was a Hufflepuff and Draco was Slytherin. When we pulled up to the school I studied the architecture. Yes Annabeth has rubbed of on me. I bet she would want to see the school. When we went to the carriages I looked at the horses.

"Hello lord"

"Hi, what are you?"

"Thestrals my lord, only people who have seen death can see us."

"I see, and don't call me lord, you can just call me Percy"

"Ok Lord Percy"

"I give up"

I sat in the carriage and got weird looks finally someone said something. It was Draco

"You can see them?"


"So you've seen death"

"To many times"

He kept quiet as I thought of Silena, Beckendorf, Bianca, Zoe. They flashed through my brain. I pushed them down. I did not need a mental Breakdown. When we went inside the great hall I saw the 4 big tables. I saw the teachers and the stool with the hat. It broke into song.


 When all the first years had been selected I was called up by a woman. She wore green and had a stern face.

"Riddle, Perseus"

"Its Jackson" I yelled before walking up to the stool. Everyone was staring at me. They had been informed that I was a transfer student already.

When I sat down the hat was placed on my head. 

"Ahh a older student. I believe that this will be intesting."

"Huh" I said

"I am in your brain, I can hear you thoughts, it is my job to sort you"

"Kay" I thought

"Hmm I need to look through your memories."

"You don't want to do that"

I saw flashbacks, Gabe hitting me, The minotaur, Kronos, Bianca, Zoe, Rome, Kronos, Tartarus. everything. I started to tremble. I was aware of the tears trickling down my face. Everyone was Staring at me. 

"GET HIM OFF! NOW! HUFFLEPUFF! HUFFLEPUFF! HUFFLEPUFF!" It screamed. It practically jumped of of my head.

Everyone stared at me. That was the last thing I remember before falling sideways, the world fading to black.

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