Chaos (Percy)

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Screams echoed around the stadium, I looked in the direction of the screams and a massive dark cloud was erupting from the crowd. It spun around and then took the shape of a massive snake.  It flew into the sky, no longer attached to the crowd and started to laugh. 

"Finally, I'm free!" It yelled.

"What are you!" Dumbledore yelled drawing his wand.

"The manifestation of a horcrux you fool" It replied, turning to face Dumbledore. "Killing Harry potter, destroying me worked partially, but since he came back I was able to latch on to him"

"so you have returned Tom" Dumbledore said.

"Oh no, I am not Tom Riddle. I am just me. A form of evil and death. It was easy coming back really. I just capitalized on Harry's pride and made it stronger. I was even able to slightly effect those around him. Ginny's mind was addled, instead of hating Percy her strong will backfired and made her emotions for him heighten. Which in the end helped me emerge so I guess I should thank her" Its tail flicked around and shot forwards at Dumbledore. 

Teachers drew there wands and fired spells at the snake. Dumbledore calmly drew his wand and pointed it at the tail. The tail exploded and the creature gave out a large shriek. It backed away as the tail grew back.

"Well aren't you a tricky one" It snarled.

"Evacuate the students!" Dumbledore yelled. McGonagall nodded and started to lead the students away. Before I had a chance to think the snake was dashing at me. It shot its tail at me like a spike and I had to roll away. I sliced riptide into the tail and the creature let out another horrific shriek. It pulled away as Riptide fell to the ground. A small slice of the tail was taken out. The creature started at fir a while before letting out a roar of outrage.

"Celestial bronze is awfully tricky" It snarled. It turned to Dumbledore and opened its giant maw. Its teeth extended and turned into long spikes that fired at Dumbledore. He was able to stop most of them but one pierced into his hip and another his wrist. He was pinned against the stands, his wand lying on the floor a few feet away form him.

It turned around and looked at me. It dashed forwards, slithering at insane speeds. The creature was easily the size of a skyscraper put on its side. I called on the water around me and created two giant fists. I was able to catch the giant snake as it came towards me but I was already being pushed back. It was far stronger then me.

I gritted my teeth as I was pushed another step back. My arms ached and my back felt as though it was about to splinter. I let out a scream of anger as I took a step forwards. The creatures eyes widened but they narrowed quickly as it pushed against me. I was forced to take another step back. Then another and another. I was slowly being forced down too. Another push and I would be on one knee.

I looked at the field to see Annabeth running towards the creature. She had her wand and knife out as she dashed at it. She fired spell after spell into the hide of the serpent. They didn't do much but got its attention. The creature shuddered as its tail disappeared. What replaced it was another head. It bit at Annabeth but she dodged out of the way, slicing her knife against its jaw.

"It let out a painfilled shriek and slammed its head against Annabeth. She was sent backwards, she rolled against the ground but came up in a crouched position. She was bleeding from multiple scratches all across her arms. There was a large bruise forming on her cheek.

Anger rushed through me and I pushed forwards again. I started to lift up the snake but it pushed down. One of its teeth shot forwards and wrapped around Riptide which was on the floor. It held it up and turned it towards me.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now