I play survive the dangerous obstacle course (Percy)

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As I stepped into the tent I was greeted by my two other competitors. Inna and Alban. The first thing to get through was a small river with various sea creatures, the next was to fly through a few rings of fire on a broomstick. Then you had to best a troll. Finally you had to drink the right potion and then you would be presented with the prize.

"Sounds easy enough" Alban said.

"Maybe" Inna said nervously. I stayed silent, I was most likely going to be able to o it with out riptide. I shouldn't show everyone what I am capable of.

"ALBAN" I heard a voice yell. He stepped out of the tent. I could hear yells and cheers from the crowd.


After a few minutes there was a long silence and a loud thud. Finally there was a cheer and the voice called out once again.

"ALBAN HAS GOTTEN THE PARCHMENT!" Alban walked back in. He had a long cut on his leg and he was pale. After a few minutes he went out and got his scores. He then went into the stands.

"PERCY"  the voice called out. I walked out of the tent. The circular arena all looked at me. Ahead of me was the obstacle course.

"GO" I heard him yell and I sprinted into the river. I dived in and quickly started to swim. The Grindylows glared at me but kept there distance. The same could be said for every creature in the river. After I got out of the river I made a quick prayer to Zeus and got on the broom. I flew through the hoops slowly. Sweat poured down my face but eventually I got through and I jumped of of the broom.

In front of me stood a 8ft troll. It was wearing almost no clothes. It barreled towards me. I slid in-between its legs and took out my wand.

"Stupefy" I yelled. It was hit and seemed to get knocked back a few steps but it wasnt effected massively. "Impendita" I yelled. It froze. "Reducto!" I yelled and it was sent back a few feet. It hit its head on the ground and its eyelids fluttered before shutting. I smirked. I ran towards the potions. There was a note but I couldn't read it. I needed to drink the right potion. I knew instantly which was the right one but I pretended to think for 30 seconds before taking the green vial. I popped of the cork and downed it. The wall crumbled and I continued forwards. I picked up the parchment.

Cheers resonated throughout the stadium. I looked into the crowd. I saw a very angry Potter and Weasley. I shrugged it of as I walked back too the tent. My hair was singed and I had a small burn on my ankle. Madam Pomfrey fussed over me but I just sat there thinking about Annabeth. After she was done I headed out to the crowd. 

Krum held a 8 sign. Dumbledore held 9. Maxime held a 8. Percy (Weasley) held a 10. The other judge held a 7. 42 overall. It was met by a wave of cheers. I walked into the crowd. I saw a seat free by Dale and I sat down. He pulled me into a hug and kept apologizing for making me compete. Tears were running down his face.

"Hey I am fine" I said as I hugged him tighter "It was kind of fun" 

He slowly calmed down. 

"INNA" Percy.W yelled. Inna walked out. Her face had a green tinge to it. AS she swam in the lake a Grindylow grabbed her ankle. She hit it with a curse and started to swim faster. She was constantly swarmed by the creatures slowing her down massively. When she got on the broom she shot through the hoops with expert skill. When she reached her troll she spent a good 10 minutes fighting it. Once she beat it she headed over to the potion. after 3 minutes she grabbed the purple vial. She drank it and fell onto the floor. She gasped stayed like that for the next few minutes before standing up and drinking the green vial. The wall crumbled and she grabbed the parchment.

Cheers filled the arena. She slowly wobbled towards the tent. After 10 minutes she walked out and got her scores.

6 from Krum. 7 from Dumbledore. 5 from Maxime. Percy.W held a 7. The other judge held a 5. She got 30 overall.

"In last place is Inna with 30!" Percy.W yelled. "second place is Alban with 36 and final place is Percy with 42" Cheers filled the arena as I was lifted up by the Hufflepuff's. They chanted my name as the whole school carried me through the halls of the school. I wanted to be put down but in the end I decided against it. I grabbed Dale and lifted him up with me. He gave me a smile as we were carried down the hall.

"IF I'M BEING PUT THROUGH THIS SO ARE YOU!" I yelled. The crowd was extremely loud. He started to laugh and I could see a small sound come out. He held his throat as tears fell down his face. I pulled him close and hugged him. Nobody realized what was happening.

"EVERYONE PUT ME DOWN, DALE IS HURT, HE NEEDS TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL WING!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone let us down and I ran with him to the hospital wing. When Madame Pomfrey saw him she looked at me and  said

"It happened again didnt it" She said.

"Yep" I said. I layed him down as she dropped a liquid in his throat. He shuddered and closed his eyes. After 3 minutes he sat up. 

"Thanks" He signed.

"No problem"

"Congratulations by the way" Madam Pomfrey said.

"Thanks" I said before we walked to our dorm. We were greeted by a massive party. I grinned as I took a sandwich and ate it. We drank butterbeer and laughed all night. At 3 am we all went to bed and fell asleep.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now