Character Development, what's that? Plot development is what this is (Harry)

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As I walked down the halls of the school I saw Percy walking towards me. I growled internally. But then I felt my heart shatter. At either side of him were Ron and Hermione. I felt my stomach once again grow tighter. I was tempted to check it out but I figured it was just jealousy, but that makes me sound the bad guy. Which I am not. Everything I cared about is gone.

I decided to just walk past them. I made eye contact with Percy as I walked past him.

"Hey guys I gotta go get my book, I left it behind" He said, waving off my friends. He then walked behind me and tapped my shoulder.

"We really need to talk" He said with his annoying American accent. He didn't have a super strong American accent at least, however I still found his voice annoying.

"Do we" I asked. He rolled his eyes.

"Yes we do" He replied. "Harry I am not your enemy, your friends want the old you back"

"I am still me"

"Are you though, from everything I have heard, your not"

"SHUT UP" I yelled at him. "Ever since you joined this school things have been going down hill, I lost all my friends. Its all your fault."

"Ginny broke up with you before that you know" Percy said.

"SHUT UP" I yelled. I felt my voice get deeper. A snake slithered through the halls and wrapped around my leg. It bared its fangs at Percy hand Percy sighed before turning around and walking away. 

"Potter, your anger attracted me, I think I shall stay with you" The snake said. It was a large grass snake. I smiled, at least not everyone had abandoned me. 


I had heard that Harry could talk to snakes, but this was the first time I saw it. I also realized I could too. I guess what happened with Harry sort of made sense. His delusion was threatened so he had an outburst of anger and accidentally called snakes towards him. But something felt a little off.

 When I walked to my next lesson I told Annabeth about the encounter and we decided to keep a close eye on Harry. I felt as though something was about to go down.


Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now