The third challenge begins (Percy

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I took a deep breathe and drew my wand. 


Ten seconds until the gate fell and I would have to enter the dungeon.


I was trying to remember as many spells as possible.


I gazed out at the dimly lit tunnel, the flames of torches caused little dances of light.


I thought about the key that I would have to get.


I started to get filled with nervous energy.


My fingers drummed against my side.


I thought about the other contestants and how they must feel.


My thoughts wondered onto Annabeth


"Come on, you've got this" I muttered to myself.



The gate lifted up and I sprinted out of the cell. I drew Riptide, it caused a little bit of light that let me see. I figured I shouldn't have my wand using a spell before combat. I took a turn to the left and was met by two doorways. I took the right and ran down the large cavernous hallways. I weird creature lurked in the tunnel I had picked. It was a large beast with a rat like face. Its fur was a dark green and its eyes were a pale yellow. It was about twice the size of me. It bounded towards me, baring its teeth.

It leaped at me and I slid under it. I kept running and took out my wand.

"Bombarda!" I yelled. The red beam shot out of my wand and collided with the creature. A small fiery explosion struck its face and it fell over backwards squealing. It then proceeded to run away. I kept running down the hallways, taking whichever path felt right.

By now Alban would have been let out. I took another turn and I bumped into a hellhound. It bared its teeth and I gulped. This Hellhound was larger then an elephant. The tunnel it was in was large enough to fit a plane in. It tried to crush me with its paw but I rolled to the side and stood up quickly.

"Conjunctivitis!" I yelled pointing my wand at its huge maw. IT let out a large roar as it stumbled around, blind. It smashed into the wall and then turned around shaking its head. It held its large nose into the hair and sniffed a couple times before looking directly at me.

"Schist"  I muttered as it leaped at me. I dashed forwards as it leaped at me. I rolled forwards as its paws landed where  I had just been. I then turned around and slashed riptide into its paws. The two paws fell of and melted into shadows.

"Augementi!" I shouted as water erupted form my wand. I held out my hands and used the water to wrap around the hellhounds throat. I thrust the hellhound the the ground and  I decapitated it with a small sob. It looked too much like Mrs O'Leary.

I continued through the tunnels and I heard a loud shout. I glanced over and saw Alban. His wand was pointed at what once was some sort of monster. It was now however splattered all around the cavern. He looked at me and pointed his wand at me.

"Stupefy!" He shouted.

I deflected the spell off my sword and I dashed towards him. I didn't have the time to draw my wand so my best bet was to get up and close with him. I deflected two more spells before I was in front of him. I ducked under his wand and shot my elbow into his chest. I then rose up and smacked the butt of my sword into his face. He fell over backwards unconscious. A small trickle of blood escaping his nose. 

I leaned down and pressed the button on his chest. I then created a small shield of spells around him to stop him form being hurt. I then continued down the tunnel. I opened the door to gaze at a large circular room. Inside it was a large sea green key. I walked towards it and picked it up.

I then turned around and walked down the hallways. I had seen one of the doors earlier on so I decided to retrace my steps back towards it. As I walked down the hallways I felt a disturbance in the force. Just kidding but  I felt a lot of air pressure. I looked behind me to see Inna holding out her wand. Lightning was bursting out of it and she blasted it into me. It hit me in the chest and I went flying backwards. She tried to send another burst into me but I leaped to the side.

"Rude" I said.

"Sorry, my manners are kinda shaky" She said, sending another beam at me. I once again jumped out of the way and I pointed my wand at her.

"Don't worry we can't all be as perfect as me."

"Stupefy!" We both yelled. Our spells collided and our beams fought against each other. I dropped riptide and clutched my wand with both of my hands. I pushed my hand forwards as my beam started to over power hers. She gritted her teeth as she was forced as step back. Her wand flew out of her hand and the two spells hit her in the chest. She was sent flying backwards and hit the floor with a thud. I pressed the badge on her. I repeated the process of setting up a shield. I then walked down the hallways and reached the door. I slotted in the key and unlocked it.

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