Some really strong dude (Percy)

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In front of me was a tall Indian wizard. His hair was a dark mess of curly hair. He wore a brightly coloured robe. His wand was long and painted sliver. He had the start of a beard growing on his chin.

He held his wand in an elegant way. He pointed it at me and red beam shot out of it. I lunged to the side to avoid the spell from colliding with me. He sent two more spells at me. I dodged one of them but the other caught me in the chest. I was flung backwards and I hit the wall. A sharp pain arched through my back.

A beam of red was already heading towards me so I leaned downwards as I fell to dodge it. I rolled on the floor and came up in a crouched position.

"Imobulus!" I yelled sending the spell at him. He waved it away with the flick of his wand. I dashed towards him sending as many spells as I could, he deflected all of them but it was too late. I was already in close quarters with him. 

"Incendio!" He yelled. Fire burst out of his wand. I leaned backwards to dodge the film and I swiped his legs out from under him. As he fell a bright flash happened and I was flung backwards. The words reducto echoing around the carven.

I summoned water with my wand and sent it at him. He tried to flick it away with his wand but I urged the water forwards. It collided with him and he was sent backwards. He fired another spell at me. I recalled the water back and created a hurricane around me. He sent a rapid fire amount of spells at the me but the water stopped them all.

I ran towards him with riptide in my hand. My wand lying on the floor behind me. I kicked his leg and he fell backwards. I then leaped upwards and brought my sword down. It bounced of his protego charm.

I glanced at him. His brow was covered in beads of sweat and all calmness had left his eyes. I used the water to pull my wand towards me. I held it out and he drew his wand. I fired my spell and so did he.

My spell struck him in the chest and his hit my hurricane. the water evaporated around me. His wand flew up in the air. I dashed at him and by the time he had opened his eyes my sword was hovering next to his throat.

"Yield" I said. He sighed before nodding.

"I yield" He said with his thick accent. I pulled the sword away and put the cap on the top. It shrank back down into pen form. I shoved it into my back pocket

"THE WINNER IS HOGWARTS CHAMPION PERSEUS JACKSON" I heard the announcer say. The platform I was on raised upwards and the ceiling retracted, exposing me to the bright sunlight. I glanced around the cheering crowd. I smiled brightly, it was finally over.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now