The haters gonna hate (Annabeth)

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When the teachers went for Percy I couldn't help but smile. I knew that they were going to find him, and that the death eaters would either be knocked out or annoyed enough to let him go, one of the two. Harry sauntered up to me.

"Hey, since your boyfriend has gone and joined the dark lord why dont you go on a date with me." He said. I was fuming. 

"Oh, dont worry I can arrange a date for you" I said.


"With my fist" I said calmly, smiling sweetly. Then my fist connected with his nose. His glasses broke and I kicked him in the knee. He fell down and I leaned down.

"Learned your lesson?" I asked. He nodded furiously and I walked away, wizards were pathetic. As I walked away I saw the teachers come back with Percy. I smiled.

"Percy" I called and walked over.

"Wise girl, hi" He said walking towards me. He was about to give me a hug but I grabbed his wrist and flipped him over my back. He hit the ground with a thud.

"If yo-" I tried but my feet were sept from under me and I landed on top of Percy. I scowled at him but he just smiled and kissed me. I melted into the kiss and after a while we stood up.

"We will leave you two be" Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling. When the teachers left I dragged Percy to a private area.

"What happened?" I asked. He sighed and started to explain. When he told me about Tartarus I felt tears cling to my eyes. He carried on talking and when he told me Dumbledore knew I let out a small smile. It was at least nice that he wasn't going to be suspicious. When we walked back into the grand hall Percy was greeted by cheers from Hogwarts. Harry, Ron and a few other Gryffindor's did not join in. I just shrugged it off.

"Hey Dale" Percy said. Dale smiled.

"Hey Percy what happened?" He signed. Percy just waved away the question, Dale understood, Percy didnt want to talk about it. 

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now