A small get together with my grandfathers illegal gang (Percy)

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I woke up to the sound of voices. As I opened my eyes I gazed at my surroundings. I was in a large hall with a dining table in front of. The size of the room made me realize I was in a mansion. As I looked down I realized that I was chained to my chair. As my gaze wandered around the room I saw a couple of men sitting near me. They were all wearing masks apart from one. His face seemed to be blurred but his eyes shone out. They were a cruel red that glinted with madness. The man looked like his face had melted.

"Ah, Perseus" He said, his voice raspy. "How good it is to see you my grandson" 

"I can't see the family resemblance" I replied. He let out a laugh with no humor. 

"Oh this, well when I died I was able to latch onto one of my death eaters, sadly he could not cope with my power and the result was ... ugly" He replied. I focused on the other men death eaters I think their called. 

"So why do you want me hear Moldywarts?" I asked The other death eaters growled.

"Treat the dark lord with respect!" One of them yelled. I turned my gaze to him and glared. I swear that he shit himself. I smirked and turned back to Voldemort.

"Well, Perseus, join me, I can make you more powerful than anyone" He said. I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.

"Look here Tom, I'm not in the mood for this" I said. I unlocked the lock for my arms and formed a triangle with them in front of me so that Tom could see my hands. "I am giving you one chance to let me go, or as you said earlier the result will be 'ugly'"

He growled at this and pulled out his wand.

"lets see how much pain you can take, Crucio!" He yelled. The spell hit me and I smiled. It did hurt, quite a bit actually. But my response to pain had changed. Sure it could hurt but my body had adapted to ignore pain until I am out of danger. It doesn't always work but I was calm right now.

"Tom, Tom, Tom You really made a mistake" I said. All the water in the cups flooded towards me and broke the chains. "You pissed me of"

I dashed forwards in a flash, drawing riptide. A death eater sent a spell at me but I deflected it of my sword. I changed direction and ran at the death eaters. If they were gone this would be easier. 

I vaulted over one of them and slashed through another's wand. I then kicked the back of the Death Eater I vaulted over. He fell over but before I could knock him out a spell shot at me. I jumped back to dodge it. As I did this I saw Voldemort take out his wand and aim it at me. I smirked. I positioned myself in front of the last death eater. The spell shot at me and I ducked, catching the death eater in the chest. He hit the floor with a thud. 

Tom Riddle POV:

When the boy turned around towards me I felt a wave of panic. His stature had changed. His eyes were filled with a cruel glint and the water was building up behind him in a large wall. He was doing it all without a wand.

This boy was more than just a wizard. He was something else. His face was morphed into an evil smirk. He had gotten something from me. Something dark was there, but I was foolish to provoke it. He thrust his hands forwards and the water headed in 2 airborne rivers straight at me. I tried to use a spell but fear overwhelmed me. The water grabbed me and pulled me towards Perseus. I was a few centimeters away from him, suspended in midair. I had to be suspended to be the same height as him.

"Well, I thought this was going to be harder" He said, his expression was cruel. "Then again Tartarus was much harder to go through" At the word Tartarus his eyes lit up.

"Now normally I would never want anyone to be subjected to that kind of torment" He said. Raising his sword. "But I am willing to make an exception"

His sword dug into the ground and I was thrust downwards the earth crumbled as I fell through it, my bones breaking at the pressure, when I finally stopped falling I found myself in a hellish landscape.



I don't know what gave me the rush of power. Something had caused me to be able to send him to Tartarus. I looked up to see Hades.

"Hello Perseus" He said.

"Uncle" I replied, I felt no need to bow.

"I will explain how you managed to do that" He said. I nodded. "Voldemort's fate when he reached the Underworld was going to be the pit. But due to him cheating death once again when someone with your amount of power was their the fates gave you there ability to well cause him to endure his fate" He explained.

I nodded before collapsing onto my knees.

"Dumbledore is on his way here. You may tell him about the Greek gods, but nobody else do you understand" Hades said. I nodded once again and averted my eyes as he teleported away.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now