Adapting (Annabeth)

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When I got out of the hospital wing the following day I went to my first lesson, charms. When I stepped in the classroom I was greeted by a tiny teacher who had a squeaky voice. Because I was a Slytherin I had very few lessons with Percy. During the lesson I was at the top. The Ravenclaw kids looked annoyed a new comer was better then them but I pushed past that thought.

When the lessons was finished I walked to the lake. Percy was already sat there.

"Hi Seaweed brain" I said. I sat next to him.

"Hey Wise Girl" He said. He lifted me up and sat me down in his lap. He started to play with my blonde curls as I read a book. After 10 minutes I turned my head and kissed him. He melted into it and we just sat there. When we broke apart he grinned.

"Gods, I've missed you" He said.

"Same" I said before giving him a peck on the lips and reading my book. He let out a laugh and started to play with my curls again. After a few more minutes I stood up. He pouted.

"We have class" I said.

"And?" He said.

"I am not going to skip on my first day"

"So you will skip tomorrow" He said. He stood up and dusted of his trousers.

"Damn you Jackson"

"I never did get a dam t-shirt"

"Can you shut up for once"

"Never" He said with a crazy, flirtatious smile as he waggled his eyebrows.

"Your a dork Jackson" I said. He stuck out his tongue before kissing my cheek and running of to his lesson. I smirked to myself as I ran to potions. When I got in the lesson I saw the stern face of Professor Snape. After reading the instructions I got to work on the potion. After about 50 minutes I was done. We were making a love potion. Mine smelled like Percy.

"And Miss Chase has done the best?" He said.

"What do you smell?" Hermione asked.

"Percy" I said quietly. My cheeks were flushed. Hermione smirked.

"You really love him don't you."


"Love who?" Ginny butted in

"Percy" I said.

"You do know that he kissed me yesterday right" Ginny said proudly.

"Ha, he was with me the entire day" I said. Ginny looked furious before strutting of. 

"What happened to her" Hermione asked

"Jealousy, I know from experience" I replied.

" From experience?" Hermione asked

"Before me and Percy got together there was another girl that liked him also. We kinda fought over him. He was oblivious and never noticed it was because we both liked him. I wasnt the nicest person to Rachel"

"Ah, lets hope Ginny gets over it, Percy definitely loves you" 

"Thanks for supporting me" I said.

"No problem, I have transfiguration and you have care for magical creatures with Percy"

"Bye" I strode of to the forbidden forest. When I saw Hagrid's hut I stopped outside it. I smelt the sea and then strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hi Percy" I said. He kissed my neck. He then put his mouth to my ear

"Hey Annabeth" He said. It sent a shudder down my body and he probably smirked knowing him. He put his mouth back to my ear. "What's wrong princess?" 

Another shudder. I sent my elbow into his chest and he backed of with his hands up.

"Sorry Wise Girl" He said. He had a smirk on his face. His sea green eyes were filled with humor. His grey streak looked white in the sunlight. His arms were covered with new cuts. Probably from Herbology. the old white scars stood out on his tanned skin.

"Were you checking me out Wise girl" He said with a smirk.

"Yep" I said popping the P. His eyes trained onto my curves. I blushed furiously and crossed my arms, obstructing his view.

"Aw come on" He said with a fake whiney voice. He walked towards me and pulled my arms away. He then kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. One of his hands had my cheek cupped in it. The other was on the small of my back.

After a few minutes we broke apart gasping for air. The students started to show up. After 4 minutes Hagrid showed up. He looked at the Slytherins suspiciously.

"T'day we 'r' g'nna-" Hagrid started. He was cut off by a loud roar as a manticore burst into the clearing.


"Shit" I said before pulling out my wand. I pretended to charm my pen and then I uncapped the riptide. My bronze sword appeared in my hand.

"Hey, its me you want" I said. It turned at me and growled before going onto all fours and ran at me. I patiently waited. Its tail flicked and I saw the projectiles fly towards me. I sliced through all of them. The manticore pounced and I rolled to the left. I came up in a crouch and darted to one side as more spines flew at me. Spells were sent at the manticore. It stumbled backwards. It sent spines at the students. I pulled out my wand and sent a wave of water to protect them.

"Stop attacking it!" I yelled. The students looked puzzled. "Me and you, One on One"

It leaped at me put I slid underneath it. When I was behind it I cut of its tail. It leaped back and let out a shriek of pain. We circled each other for a while. I then barreled towards it. Before it could react its front 2 paws were decapitated. I then dug Riptide into its neck. It roared before crumbling into dust. Everyone was staring at me.

"Jackson, that was too long" Annabeth said. "6 minutes you shouldn't have showed of"

"Aww come on Annie, I wasnt showing of, just cautious" I said.

"Sure Seaweed brain" She said before wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a kiss. When we broke apart I groaned before looking at the students. They were staring at me, there mouths open with shock. I capped Riptide and slipped it back into my pocket

"Your going to catch flies" I said. The class quickly closed there mouths

"Class dis'issed" Hagrid said. The class walked off but he stopped us.

"What wa' tha' an' why do you no' seem fazed?" He asked

"That was a manticore and I guess the shock hasn't fully hit me yet. As for what Annabeth said, she was trying to lighten my mood by reminding me of fights that happened in my old school, she used to time them to see how long it took until I won"

"Ok" He said. He was still suspicious but didnt question us further. We walked back to the castle hand in hand.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now