Were back again (Annabeth)

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When we walked through the wall I gazed a the train. Well less at the train and more at what was taking place in front of the train. There was a large crowd and you could see one person that was talking to the crowd, Harry. We walked over and we listened in, without anybody seeing us.

"As you can see Percy Jackson, the grandson of Voldemort used magic on a muggle" Harry said to the crowd. I groaned internally, unlike Percy who did it externally. Harry's head shot in our direction and he locked eyes with Percy.

"And there he is" Harry said while pointing an accusing finger at Percy. Every head in the crowd turned to look at him. "So tell us, why did you attack the muggle"

"Well first of all it was not assault. It was to give my cousin a hug, second, didnt you blow up your aunt, and finally I had a trial, I was let off, does that not tell you enough." Percy said. The crowd fell silent and everybody was just frozen. Harry kept opening and closing his mouth. I stifled a laugh, I forgot the sassy side of Percy could have this effect on people. We walked past everyone and walked into a compartment.

"Hey guys" I heard and I looked up to see Draco. I waved and he walked in and sat next to me. Behind him was Dale and Jemma. They also walked in and sat next to us. Then the question came up.

"What happened with the trial?"

After an hour of explaining what had happened, we left out the demigods bit and just pretended that they all knew about magic. When we were finished I saw a furious Draco.

"Why are you so angry?" I asked.

"Because it was my father that was one of the people that pointed out that you where related to Voldemort which caused the whole trial. He is trying to get back into the ministry's good books." Draco said. When he said the word father you could hear the distain in his voice.

"So your dad is a bitch, that seems to be the case with a lot of my friends" Percy said. I laughed a little. Frank and Clarisse had Ares/Mars. I had my dad. Jason and Thalia had Zeus/Jupiter. Nico had Hades who had his moments as a horrible father. Honestly it was kind of a theme among us. Draco looked confused, he had probably expected Percy to freak out.

As we continued to talk we started to talk about our families.

"Ok yeah I think I have the worst family." Percy said. I nodded to this, everyone else looked confused.

"Why" Dale signed. 

"Because they have debated killing me on multiple times, apparently I am a threat to them" He said. Everyone else looked concerned.

"Look that stage of his life is over" I said. Everyone still looked like they had a bit of concern but they let it go. When we finally reached Hogwarts I let out a sigh.

"Percy" I said.


"Don't die" 

"I try to always do that"

"I really find that hard to believe" He let out a chuckle and grabbed my hand. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

Percy Jackson meets Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now