Sorting out what to do (Percy)

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When we got back dinner was about to start. Dumbledore stood up.

"I have an announcement" He boomed. The hall fell silent "We have a new student, she shall be sorted right now" 

The stool with the hat was revealed.

"Chase, Annabeth" McGonagall said.

"Soon to be Jackson-Chase" I whispered. Annabeth blushed and slapped my arm before standing up and sitting down on the stool. I sat on the edge of my chair getting ready for what had happened to me. After all she would have to live through it. Why did I let her sit there. Why why why WHY. I felt like an awful boyfriend. After a few minutes I saw tears start to fall down her  face.

"SLYTHERIN, SLYTHERIN GET HER OFF ME NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW!" Its screamed. I saw Annabeth start to wobble and I surged forwards. When she fell I caught her in my arms. I could feel the eyes trained on us. I didnt care.

"I am going to take her to the medical wing." I said to the teachers before picking her up, Bridal style and carrying her there. When I set her down I stroked her cheek. 

"Annabeth, we got out, I am right here" I said. I kissed her forehead. "Annabeth you are safe. You are with me at Hogwarts, you are not with Helen, we are not in the pit or another war, we are safe"

I heard footsteps as Madam Pomfrey rushed over to her. 

"Do you know why this happened?" She asked

"Me and Annabeth have PTSD, we both can have panic attacks at night and we can only calm down when we are with the other person or talk to them." I told her "I will not tell you why as it is personal"

"Ok I see, what do you normally do in these situations"

I decided to show her.  I pulled Annabeth onto my lap and hugged her. 

"Hey we got out Annie, we are safe. We are at Hogwarts not there" I said. She slowly started to calm down and her breathing slowed. I kissed her forehead and tightened the hug. I cradled her until she woke up.

"P-P-P-Percy" She stuttered, her eyes were bloodshot.

"Shh shh I am here Annie your safe" I said before kissing her on the nose.

"I-I-I-It was H-H-Helen, s-s-she was the-there with u-u-u-us a-a-a-and y-y-y-you died a-a-and I just-" Tears started to spill from her eyes so I kissed her. She melted into the kiss before breaking away. She hugged me tightly.

"Percy, I love you"

"I cant even describe how much I love you Annabeth Chase" I kissed her again.

"Well I can see she is better, she will have to stay here but Percy, you are staying here, its obvious she needs you around her. I will tell Dumbledore of the situation." Madam Pomfrey said.

"Thank you" I replied.

"Goodbye for now" she strode of.

"Hey Annabeth" I said

"Yeah" She said.

"Your books are here, do you want to try some magic?" 


We started to practice. We both were stood up I was behind her one arm around her waist, the other guiding her arm to do the correct wand movements. After a few hours she was already at my level.

"How are you so good at this." I asked

"I helped teach you, plus your dumb and I am smart" She said.

"So playground insults now" I said. I wrapped my arms around her waist

"eww cooties" She said in a childish voice before wrapping her arms around my neck. I leant down slightly and kissed her neck. I carried on up her neck and kissed her jaw. I then kissed her on the mouth and we melted into it. She leant backwards and we fell onto the Hospital bed. After a few minutes I could here her soft snores as she slept. I smiled to myself before sleep consumed me.


She was a Slytherin. This was perfect. She was obviously evil and wouldn't want to be with her. I had been in the toilets during the sorting. Apparently she was in the Hospital wing. Maybe someone hurt her. Hopefully Percy when he realized she was evil.

I was ready for Percy to come running to me. It was only a matter of time.

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