22- (Young) Remus Lupin / (Young) Sirius Black

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The Marauders walk down from the boys' dorms down to the raging party in the Gryffindor common room, showing up fashionably late, as per usual when they aren't the ones throwing the party.

The four look around the room, already finding drunken students dancing together, the music blasting louder than it probably should have been, but at full swing, it looks exciting.

"There's my favourite pranksters!" Y/n smiles at them, already offering her drinking buddies, Sirius and James a drink. "You came earlier than I expected, I nearly started drinking both of these," She giggles.

Remus sighs, very concerned for their friend. "How much have you drank tonight?"

"Only one cup so far," He looks at her, knowing she's lying. "Okay, fine, two," She admits. "Firewhisky is just so good!"

"Cheers to that," Sirius lifts his cup before starting to chug down his drink, Y/n and James egging him on, James quickly following suit after Sirius knocks back his drink.

"Come on, let's go get more," Y/n grabs their wrists, starting to drag them toward the drink station.

"Don't get too drunk!" Remus shouts at them.

Y/n turns her head back at him, sticking her tongue out, nearly running into a fifth year Ravenclaw.

He just shakes his head at her in amusement and turns his attention down to Peter.

"She's going to get piss drunk again, isn't she?" Peter asks.

"Oh, yeah," Remus nods turning back to look at his three other friends once more, nearly laughing at Y/n's face when James cheers himself with two cups, one in each hand, and brings them both up to his lips, some of the alcohol spilling onto his shirt.

He finally bursts out laughing when he hears her yell, "You're wasting it!"

Sirius laughs at her and copies James, nearly spitting out his drink when she harps on him for it as well.

"Come on, N/n, try it! It's fun!" James says, filling two cups, a centimetre from the rim in each, and hands out the cups for her.

She rolls her eyes, accepting the drinks.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" Sirius starts chanting, more and more people joining in until Y/n starts chugging both of them, cheers filling the room as she slams two empty, plastic cups onto the table.

"And I didn't spill a drop!" She brags, a slight slur starting to make its appearance.

Quickly, people go back to doing whatever it is that they were doing before, starting to forget about the scene.

"Nice!" James claps a congratulatory hand on her shoulder. His eyes start scanning the room until he finds Lily standing in the corner of the room with her friends, no drink in hand. "I'm gonna go give my Lily flower a drink," He smiles, getting a fresh cup and filling it up, swerving passed people to get to her.

"Off to woo his lady," Y/n giggles to Sirius. "If a guy came up and gave me a cup firewhisky, I wouldn't leave his side for the night!"

"How about a bottle?" Sirius asks, snagging a full, unopened bottle from under the table, the secret stash only a few people know about. It isn't the best hiding spot, but the younger, drunk students who can't quite handle their alcohol yet don't seem to ever find it.

She smirks up at him. "Sirius, you're such a tease!" She lightly smacks his chest playfully, a bit too tipsy to hurt him even if she was trying to. Never the less, she grabs the bottle from him, takes his wrist once more in her other hand, and pulls him out to the balcony.

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