(Letter) (Young) Remus Lupin

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Y/n Snape,

I can only assume you're wondering why I've written to you in spite of everything that's happened these past few years. I swear this is not another prank. If it was from Sirius or James, maybe even Peter, okay, yes, it'd be fair to assume that they'd prank you, so I can understand why you'd be suspicious. You've seen my handwriting before, so I should think you know that I'm the one writing, not someone else pretending to be me.

Now that clarifications are out of the way, and you, hopefully, haven't tossed this in the bin yet, I would like to apologise for everything we've put you through. And Severus, but less so than you. Not that this excuses anything we've done, but it's hopefully a start.

I want you to know that I never wanted to be involved in this mess. I didn't want you to get dragged into it either after it had already started, but it's hard to control my friends sometimes. I honestly thought James' torments would just stick to childish teasing and glares toward your brother. He's jealous, you know. Of him and Lily. Of course, you know, why wouldn't you know? Anyways, I never thought that things would get this far, and I never wanted them to either.

I think Sirius got a little too caught up in the moment during the prank which cemented your hatred for us. I don't even know where they got that much glue. I wasn't even aware that he and James were planning on dumping it on Severus in the first place. I know that I usually help come up with the ideas for pranks, but I had no part in that one. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time when you looked up and saw me carrying a metal bucket. I was helping Professor Kettleburn feed the bowtruckles. The bucket was full of those insects that Peter dumped on you.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it wasn't my fault. I want you to know that. Everything got out of control and I'm so, incredibly sorry. I tried to tell them to stop, but they wouldn't listen. James would do anything for Lily, Sirius likes to torture Slytherins, and Peter just kind of goes with the flow so he joined in. I try my best to stay on the sidelines, but... well... you know. I'm sorry.

At one point, I almost convinced them to, at the very least, leave you alone, but then you stood up to them on behalf of your brother. Honestly, I thought that was very kind of you. Brave too knowing what those three can be like. If you could've seen what they looked like when we got back to our dorm, I bet you would've gone into hysterics. I know I did. James and Sirius in particular were both flustered and enraged. Especially since you got them back pretty good, although I probably would've used green dye instead of red if I were you. You know, because you're a Slytherin.

You're surprisingly really clever. Please don't take that as me trying to be offensive! I was just surprised because I always thought you were the shy type until you got involved. I never would've imagined that we would match wits: When it comes to pranks, that is. I already knew you were smart. I knew you were smart since you're top of the class in pretty much every lesson we share, but wow. I'm pretty sure we've all been impressed by you at some point or another. Please don't tell them I told you that. Actually, if you could keep this letter between us, that'd be very much appreciated. But it's been fun trying to figure out what you have in store for us next. You're quite unpredictable.

Look, I know you thought I've hated you for years, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Irritated? Sometimes. Frustrated? More times than I can count. But I've never hated you. You impress me. I know you hate me, and I completely understand why, but I wanted to clear my name. Especially because I don't want someone like you to hate me. Again, not an insult: A compliment.

I think you're truly amazing, Y/n. Honest. I don't really care about the house rivalry thing or side with James (or Severus. I think the whole rivalry is stupid. Why are they fighting over Lily when she has her own thoughts and feelings?). Why do things have to be so complicated? And why am I asking you? Both of those questions are rhetorical by the way. It's just, I've thought so highly of you all these years and you hate me. I really wish this never happened. I could see us being friends under the right circumstances.

O̶h̶, a̶n̶d̶ b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶ w̶h̶o̶l̶e̶ p̶r̶a̶n̶k̶ w̶a̶r̶ b̶l̶e̶w̶ o̶u̶t̶ o̶f̶ p̶r̶o̶p̶o̶r̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶

Please disregard the sentence above, I was about to write something I would regret.

Actually, I might as well tell you, it's not like you could hate me more than you already do. Well, before the prank war blew out of proportions, I sort of fancied you. Again, I thought you were this shy, sweet girl and now, well, somehow I fell even harder for you after seeing this side of you too. Call me crazy, but I find this mischievous side of you incomprehensibly attractive.

Right, now that that's been s̶a̶i̶d̶  written, I can only assume you've figured out why I've really written this letter. I want to make amends. I want to stop making each other miserable. I'm extending the white flag, in a sense, to give up. I'm done. I've tried to stop my friends, and I think I remember you mentioning that you've tried to stop Severus, but I mean it this time. Whether or not everyone else continues, I want this to end, and I hope you do too. I also hope that maybe we can extend an olive branch over butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks next Saturday if you're free. Don't worry, drinks would be on me if you decide to come. I could get us a seat in the back corner and we can just talk.

If you haven't realized by now, my brain is really scattered at the moment. I'm sorry if parts of this letter didn't make any sense at all. I guess the paint fumes have really been getting to my head (don't worry, it's a prank on the seventh year Ravenclaws. Someone started a rumour about Sirius (he was too frantic for me to hear what they supposedly said about him), but he's decided to drag all of us into his mess again). Right, as I mentioned, I have a scatterbrain. My mind can be a mess at times, believe it or not, especially when I'm writing.

Anyways, as I said before, I would really enjoy just talking to you and sorting everything out. Let me know if you'd be willing.


Remus J. Lupin

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