7- Sirius Black

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Y/n sighs as she sets her print of the Daily Prophet down on her table, refusing to look a second more at the crazed man she once knew years ago. She assumed that once he was sent away to Azkaban she'd never see the traitor ever again, but she was wrong. The photograph of her former friend showed a side she'd never seen and, quite frankly, she found herself quite frightened when the headline read, Escape From Azkaban!

She'd known Sirius since her first, his second, year at Hogwarts. They met on the platform when they were being dropped off by their families. Y/n was excited and her smile showed just how much, while Sirius seemed almost relieved when his parents turn their attention over to the L/n's. The Blacks' not only respected them for their blood purity but also Mr L/n's high position in the Ministry.

As Y/n stood by her parents' sides, she watched Orion Black bend down to his eldest son and murmur something that only the two of them could hear. That's when Sirius's eyes locked onto hers and he gave her a polite smile. That was the start of their friendship.

He offered to let her sit with him and his friends on the train and she gladly accepted. At first, the other boys were confused about why she was with them but didn't mention it in front of her. They had a lovely time and they influenced her so much in so little time that the sorting hat placed her into Gryffindor with the boys.

When Sirius was alone with the other marauders, he explained why Y/n was now hanging out with them, but they had all grown quite fond of her since she made a good impression. She never seemed stuck up and even cracked a few jokes at the expense of pure-blood superiority.

In her fifth year, his sixth, at the wizarding school, Sirius admitted to Y/n during a heated argument that their friendship meant nothing and the only reason why they were friends in the first place was that his father told him to become her friend so his family could receive the benefits of being acquainted with the powerful family. He immediately regretted telling her as soon as the words left his mouth, he never meant to actually end up genuinely liking her, but he did and he ruined it. He felt his chest tighten as he saw tears well up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall for a foul person like him. At least not in front of him.

Over the years of their friendship, Y/n had grown close to the other marauders, even going as far as becoming an animagus as soon as she found out about Remus Lupin's "furry little problem" as James used to call it, so when they found out about their argument, James, Remus, and Peter tried to comfort her, but she pushed them away.

Although Y/n was no longer friends with the four boys, she was a friend of Lily Evans and the pair grew even closer in their later years and Lily helped her mend her bond with three of the four boys, which Y/n would be eternally grateful for.

Y/n was there when Lily and James finally became a couple, she was one of Lily's bridesmaids, she was there throughout the pregnancy of their child, and she was there for the first year of young Harry Potter's life. When times became dangerous, Y/n offered to be the secret keeper, willing to risk her life to save theirs.

As soon as Sirius found out about her selfless offer from a tipsy James on a quiet evening at Godric's Hollow, he demanded that they not use her as their secret keeper in fear that his old friend would be put in just as much danger as his other two friends. He couldn't stand the thought of her risking her life. He was too selfish to let her die.

James, willing to do almost anything for his closest friend, refused Y/n's offer and suggested that Sirius be the secret keeper. During a private meeting between the Potters', Sirius, and Peter, they agreed to make Peter the secret keeper as Sirius would be too obvious. Because of this secret from Y/n and Remus, that fateful Halloween night came and Sirius was blamed for the murder of his friends while the true betrayer cowardly ran away for his friend to take the blame for his wrongdoings and there was no way of the truth coming to light.

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