20- (Young) Sirius Black

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"James, come help your sister with her bags!" Fleamont Potter calls up the stairs to his son.

James groans in aggravation and shouts back, "Tell her to do it herself!"

"You never told me you had a sister," Sirius says in feign offence.

"Yeah? Well, there's a reason for that," He sighs.

"Now, James!" Euphemia shouts up the stairs.

"This is stupid," He whispers to himself, tugging on his hair, sighing out a large breath of air to keep himself from snapping at his parents. "Fine! Just give me a second!"

He stands, punches his pillow a few times to release some anger, much to Sirius's confusion, and drags himself to the door.

"Is she really that bad?" Sirius asks, following after him to see who exactly the person is giving James such a reaction.

James rolls his eyes. "She's a nightmare!" He whispers sharply, trying to keep his voice low enough to avoid the three others hearing him. "And nobody realizes it because she's just a sneaky kiss-up. She thinks just because she was sent off to Beauxbatons with all of those beautiful, equally stuck-up girls, she's better than me."

"Why wasn't she sent to Hogwarts like us?"

"Our parents wanted to separate us. They know we don't get along, so when she brought out her stupid, 'daddy, pleeeeeeease?'" His voice is high pitched and whiney to mock her, Sirius snickering at James's exaggerated puppy dog eyes. "she got what she wanted. She always gets whatever she-"

"James, now!" His father shouts up the stairs.

"Coming!" He shouts.

"Don't use that tone with your father!"

James holds his hand up to his mouth and muffles an enraged groan.

"Since when was she mum's favourite?!"

He slams the door open and stomps to the stairs, running down them, making as much noise as he possibly can as Sirius follows.

As soon as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he grabs her trunks and turns to leave without confrontation.

"Thank you, James," A new, sweet voice calls out from the couch.

"Yeah, whatever," He says back to her, earning looks of disapproval from both of his parents. "Come on, Pads, let's just go before she sinks her claws in you," He whispers so his parents can't hear.

James pushes Sirius up the stairs, all while his head is turned back, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl.

"Trust me, Padfoot, you don't want to meet her."

"Yeah, I do. I want to know who it is who's making you this mad."

"Fine," He moves to the side, trying to gesture back down the staircase, accidentally hitting Sirius with one of the heavy trunks. "if you want to turn against your best friend, the one who convinced my parents to take you in, then go ahead and meet Y/n Potter. If she likes you, she'll take you away. She always gets what she wants," He mutters.

"Prongs, she can't be that bad. I know. I have a little brother. I say the same things, but he's not too bad."

"But, Sirius, she is so much worse than Regulus. She is evil personified," He whispers harshly.

"So is Snivilus, but we put him in his place all the time."

"She's worse." Intrigued, Sirius takes a step down. "Fine, don't come back complaining that I didn't warn you," James starts ascending upstairs once more, leaving Sirius behind.

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